PUBG Mobile Esports official youtube channel gets hacked again, renamed as Brand Account

PUBG Mobile Esports official youtube channel gets hacked again, renamed as Brand Account

PUBG Mobile Esports youtube channel hacked again

It seems that hackers have placed a firm grip over PUBG Mobile as the official youtube channel of PUBG Mobile Esports was hacked again even after the officials took strict measures to avoid this mishap.

PUBG Mobile is one of the most sought-after mobile battle royale title. The game boasts over millions of users globally. However with an active user base on a daily basis, the incidents of hacking have become a common sight in PUBG Mobile nowadays. The officials are putting up efforts to weed out the cheaters and hackers from the game but time and again it has fallen victim in the hands of hackers.

PUBG Mobile official youtube channel gets hacked again

PUBG Mobile official youtube channel gets hacked again, renamed as Brand Account
Image Credits: Gametube

It has barely been a week when this channel was hacked and renamed as SpaceX 2021. The official youtube channel of PUBG Mobile Esports which has clocked over 3 million subscribers was hacked again and renamed as Brand Account. Although the officials have restored the previous name, the account hasn’t been recovered completely yet.

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Similar to the previous incident, the channel was hacked when PUBG Mobile’s one of the most acclaimed tournament, P0UBG Mobile Pro League SA Season 4 was being live streamed. When the channel got hacked previously, the hacker had added a video of crypto currency but this time, no such video was added.

The home page of the channel also remained intact. However, there were few changes that caught our eyes. Some of the videos that were streamed earlier showed ‘No views’ and ‘streamed 19 January,2018’ even though the match was streamed few days ago. Even though the name has been restored, some videos such as PMPL Brasil Season 2 remains unavailable and the start date is also absent.

PUBG Mobile official youtube channel gets hacked again, renamed as Brand Account
PUBG Mobile Esports channel hacked

Most of the tournaments of PUBG Mobile, specially the regional leagues are able to garner 10K-20K views, however, the repeated incident of hacking has put a severe impact on the viewership of the tournament. The recurrent incidents of hacking has left the players as well as the fans in a state of disappointment.

In order to counter hackers, Tencent had brought the anti-cjeat system in PUBG Mobile under the ban pan program. Under this program, a routine check is made in the game to catch the hackers and ban them permanently from the game but even after these measures, some hackers are slipping away and the officials are kept on their toes.

Also Read: PUBG Mobile Pro League (PMPL) Season 2 North America: Teams, Format and more