Steer Clear Of Infections in Winters with the Pomegranate Season

Steer Clear Of Infections in Winters with the Pomegranate Season

The pomegranate season is here and it brings with it a lot of health benefits and powers to boost your line of defence.
The pomegranate is one of the oldest known fruits in the world, and also one of the more labor intensive to enjoy.
With the holiday season in full swing, pomegranates make for fitting festive décor. Their magenta color is well-suited for dinner tables and handmade wreaths.
Pomegranates can be sprinkled on flatbread, tossed into salad or squeezed into juice.
Though these will last in a cool, dry place for up to three months, they can also be jellied or canned for further preservation.
The health benefits of pomegranates are innumerable.
The edible part of the fruit are the seeds which pack 48 percent of your daily vitamin C. The seeds are also high in vitamin K and fiber.
The best way to extract the seeds is:
- Cut off the crown, or bud.
- Score the skin in quarters from the crown to the stem. Avoid cutting too deep as it will damage the fruit.
- Place the fruit in a large bowl of cool water and gently pull apart the sections.
- Underwater, separate the seeds from the membrane. The seed will sink to the bottom and the white membrane will float.
- Discard the skin and membrane, and dry the seeds.
Studies show that pomegranate contains beneficial antioxidants that help lower cholesterol and blood pressure.
While it has cancer protective properties it is also good for your skin.
Pomegranate is a very rich source of vitamin C. If you drink a glass of pomegranate juice daily, you get 36% of the amount of vitamin C.
Of course, the vitamins and minerals in the pomegranate are not limited to vitamin C. Pomegranate contains sodium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, and more.
We would like to share some useful information about pomegranate which has been a symbol of health, immortality and abundance.
Benefits of Pomegranate

Improves Oxygen Levels- At a time when the air is too polluted to breathe, and the risk of a deadly virus is around, this fruit can help in improving oxygen levels in your body.
Due to the various antioxidants present in the fruit, it helps to pump up oxygen levels, helping you breathe better, and your body in performing better functions.
Blood Thinning- Pomegranate is known to be a natural blood thinner.
If you have been diagnosed with a high risk of clots, you can include pomegranate in your diet regularly to keep the risk of strokes away.
It can help to keep you safe from the brain disorder.
Regulates the digestive system- When we think about winter months and microbial states, another important effect of pomegranate is that it is good for the digestive system.
The white layer between the seeds is very useful for the stomach. The stomach gets stronger with the benefit of this layer.
In order to regulate the digestive system, pomegranate rind is boiled and left to cool. Later, it is sweetened with honey.
Healthy Skin- Pomegranate contains many beneficial substances that will function in the renewal of skin cells and tissues.
In this way, the wound heals quickly, skin diseases called dermis or epidermis are also significantly prevented.
Also Read: Keep your Health in Check with Apples in the Winters