Stephen A. Smith’s hypocrisy against LeBron James exposed by Gilbert Arenas: “You can’t be juror and the judge”

LeBron James slammed extreme media criticism of players as a reason why no one wants to be 'face of the NBA'.

Stephen A. Smith’s hypocrisy against LeBron James exposed by Gilbert Arenas: “You can’t be juror and the judge”

Gilbert Arenas believes Stephen A. Smith are hypocritical when it comes to LeBron James

After yesterday’s win against the Minnesota Timberwolves, LeBron James suddenly became the biggest story. He claimed that the media’s extreme criticism of players is not helping find the next ‘face of the NBA’.

As soon as this video went live, ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith announced that he will talk about those comments on First Take. He arrived on the show with a stern face and started to unleash on how James has been hypocritical in that statement.

YouTube video

He mentioned that even though LeBron James has enjoyed the praise which Smith and others have dished out to him, he has not taken criticism well. His failures on the court have justifiably brought that criticism on himself. Along with Smith was former All-Star Gilbert Arenas who said.

I’m from the era where when you introduced a superstar, it was all positive. You didn’t talk about the negative parts of their game, to tell them why they aren’t no. 1. But you are telling him (LeBron James) he is No. 2 because of these flaws. You can’t be the juror and the judge. There’s this game that is being created, and you are judging him off of it.

Gilbert Arenas said

He added that when the media used to trump up Michael Jordan‘s greatness, he still hadn’t won six NBA titles. Jordan finished with that number. But at the same time, the same media placed the six titles and the scoring titles as the benchmark for LeBron James to pass in order to be No.1. Arenas feels that is unfair.

Gilbert Arenas sums up why LeBron James faces criticism

To his point, Stephen A. Smith responded by saying that LeBron James has brought this criticism onto himself. Whenever the media criticizes him, the Los Angeles Lakers superstar points the finger at others. But to this Gilbert Arenas summed up the debate.

The worst thing to be called, is the next Michael Jordan. It’s a career ruiner.

Gilbert Arenas said

His point was clear, comparisons to Michael Jordan have undermined what LeBron James has done for the past 22 seasons. Arenas and panelist Brian Windhorst believe the constant criticism has taken the gloss of what the Los Angeles Lakers superstar has achieve.

Arenas clarified that the media tore him apart for leaving two teams to hunt for championships. However, that came about as James knew that he had to win six NBA titles to be compared to Jordan. Without that comparison, the perception surrounding him could have been different.