Ash Barty reveals her new career course post-retirement from tennis

Ash Barty
Former World No. 1 Ash Barty stunned the world with her decision to quit tennis just a few weeks after having won the 2022 Australian Open. The 25-year old had given no prior hint and it was a sudden decision that sent shockwaves throughout the tennis world for the sudden retirement of the player.
The 3-time Grand Slam champion had said that all of her desires and goals as a tennis Pro had been fulfilled and she wished to pursue other things in life going ahead. As the tennis world half-heartedly bid her adieu from the game, the excitement on what will be Barty’s next steps remained a puzzling question for everyone concerned.
Given her past experience as a cricketer and her fiance Garry Kissick being a Pro Golf player, a switch in sports was looked at by everyone. Barty has however chosen a different path altogether. Barty has however taken a different route going ahead that comes as shocking as her retirement.
Ash has partnered with Jasmi McGaughey and illustrator Jade Goodwin to release a series of children’s books titled ‘Little Ash’. Published by HarperCollins, the first set book is planned to be released on July 6. ‘It’s the day of the tennis tournament and Ash is so excited to compete! But Ash forgets her favourite hat, there’s a flat tyre and Ash wonders how they will ever get there! Will Ash arrive in time for her big match?’ reads the synopsis for ‘Little Ash: Tennis Rush!’ on the website of the publisher HarperCollins.
“The project has been so much fun and something I have always wanted to do. Lucy was my north star. She is the perfect age to understand stories and storylines and read chapter books. Being able to read it to her will be great and to go up to readings to kids in rural areas is something I want to be really hands-on with,” said Barty about the books for which she has got inspiration from her 5-year old niece Lucy.
“No regrets on quitting tennis”: Ash Barty

Apart from the ‘Tennis Rush’, the second revealed title of the Little Ash books is ‘Lost Luck‘ where the title character wakes up from the wrong side of the bed before a big match. Another reason for Barty to write the books in her words was, “It brought me so much joy and heartache and pain’ and described the book as ‘a tennis story, a family story, a teamwork story of how I got to where and who I am today”
“I have spent so much time with my beautiful family and my nieces and nephew and you could not wipe the smile off my face in the last couple of weeks. it’s a good life,” said Barty to NewsCorp informing them that she is finally getting to enjoy life that includes her taking her dogs to walks and playing fetch with them.