Australian Governments BIGOTRY evolves! After Novak Djokovic, another player DETAINED at the Australian Open!

Novak Djokovic and Scott Morrison
After Novak Djokovic, another player was detained by the Authorities at the Australian Open. Just like Djokovic this player’s VISA was canceled by the border police and she was asked to leave the country.
Renata Voracova, the Czech doubles player was at first allowed to enter Australia. But after Djokovic’s case, Voracova was detained by the border police, and her VISA was canceled.
Novak Djokovic and Renata Voracova tarred with the same brush

Novak Djokovic and Renata Voracova were handed the same medical exemption by the same independent expert panel put in place by Tennis Australia and the Victorian Government.
Unlike Djokovic, Voracova was allowed to enter Australia and even play in a doubles match in Melbourne.
However, after the world No.1 was detained at the Melbourne airport, the authorities were questioned about the medical exemption that they had already offered to the other players.
Djokovic was denied entry into Australia because of a sudden change in the rules of medical exemption which were just realized by the officers just hours before Djokovic’s arrival at the Melbourne airport.
Both Djokovic and Voracova were given the medical exemption on the basis of contacting Covid-19 in the past 6 months. Voracova was allowed to enter Australia on the basis of that medical exemption and she was even allowed to play at the Melbourne Summer Set event.
But with the chaos around Djokovic’s exemption, Australian border forces finally got information about the changed rule. Now the rule says that nobody with a medical exemption on the basis of contacting Covid-19 in the past 6 months will be allowed to enter the Australian borders.
But the Bigotry continues as the Voracova was also detained by the border police. This obviously shows that the Australian authorities changed the rules just to defame Djokovic. If they were concerned about the safety of the people then they would’ve exempted Voracova before Djokovic’s arrival.
The world is watching the BIGOTS of the Australian Government, trying to stop the world’s best tennis player from contesting in one of the biggest tennis events of the year. This Monday we will find out who wins the battle, Will Djokovic be allowed to play and defend his title for the 4th consecutive time or will he be sent back home.