Battlegrounds Mobile India: Tips and tricks to deal with campers in BGMI

Battlegrounds Mobile India
Campers in BGMI can be the most irritating thing for the players. Players tend to get defeated early as they do not have any slightest idea regarding campers hiding in the apartments or houses. Rushing at them without any strategy can cost dear to the players.
Therefore, players need to be cautious everytime they enter any building, apartments or houses. It is important to remember that campers have an advantage as they know your location well and can defeat you as soon as you rush towards them. Players might wonder, isn’t there any way to deal with these troublesome campers? The answer is yes! By keeping in mind the mentioned points, players can rush at the campers without worrying to get eliminated.
Best ways to deal with campers in BGMI
Retreat if needed and Rotate

It is not wise to rush unnecessarily, players should think of different strategies before engaging with the enemies camping at the apartments or houses. Players should first find out the possible location of the campers and rotate to attack the campers from a different direction. This will confuse the enemies and you can defeat them easily.
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Choose the weapons with highest damage

This trick will be helpful in not only dealing with campers but also be helpful towards regular gunfight with the enemies. Picking up a weapon that has a high damage such as AKM and MK14 will knock the campers quickly if the campers come bouncing towards you. Players should also master their jiggling skills which will assist them in close range combats.
Use the Smoke and Frag Grenades
Another tip to deal with campers in BGMI is using different types of throwables that are available in the game. If you’re being attacked in an open area from the campers, be quick to use smoke grenades. Always carry frag grenades with you as they are extremely useful to knock enemies hiding in an apartment or house.
Observe the surroundings

The most important trick to detect if a camper is hiding at your location is to check the nearby surroundings. Check the doors of the apartments, if they’re open or not. Also take a look at the rooms, if the rooms are devoid of any loot then there are high chances of a camper hiding there.
Boost your HP

Players should always keep their health points at the maximum level. A couple of energy drinks and painkillers should be kept at the backpack as these help to boost your health. If the camper shoots at you, your HP will decrease at a lower pace.
These are some of the best tips and tricks to apply while dealing with campers in BGMI.
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