Tokyo Olympics: Flouters of the Tokyo 2020 Playbooks could face serious consequences

Tokyo Olympics: Flouters of the Tokyo 2020 Playbooks could face serious consequences

Tokyo olympics

The Tokyo Olympics Organising Committee, International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and the Government of Japan joined hands to prepare the Tokyo Olympics Playbooks. Ahead of the COVID-19 pandemic, these bodies have made it their responsibility to ensure that all measures are in place and being followed to ensure the safety of the athletes, members, and citizens of Tokyo.

Failure to follow rules in the Tokyo Olympics Playbooks could lead to serious consequences

Tokyo Olympics Playbook
Tokyo Olympics

The Tokyo Olympics Playbook consists of all the rules and measures that need to be taken up by the athletes from across the world 14 days before their travel, during their time in Tokyo, and their journey throughout until they reach home.

Participants have been instructed to keep their interactions with non-participants to a bare minimum and to wear a mask at all times and sanitize their hands regularly. They are to download an Online Check-in and Health Report App (OCHA) to monitor their health. They have also been asked to be in contact with their Covid-19 Liason Officers (CLOs) who will be in charge of their adherence to the Playbooks.

The Playbooks further mention the procedures and guidelines to follow should an athlete or team official test positive for COVID-19 at any point of time during the aforementioned period. Failure to abide by these guidelines could lead to serious consequences like the athlete’s disqualification, warnings, temporary or permanent withdrawal of their accreditation, and financial sanctions.

Japan has been preparing for a smooth and safe way to conduct the Olympics including countermeasures at venues such as maintaining social distancing at all times, regular disinfection, etc. The IOC also ensured that the participants and people interacting with them will be given first priority for vaccination. They also plan to get 80% of the members of the Olympic and Paralympic Village, which is the accommodation provided to the foreign athletes and their coaches, vaccinated before the Games.

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