Garena Free Fire: List of Top 3 best looting spots in Bermuda Map

Garena Free Fire: List of Top 3 best looting spots in Bermuda Map

Top 3 Best Looting Spots in Free Fire

Bermuda is one of the favorite maps in Free Fire when compared to Kalahari and Purgatory. The drop and looting spots of players matter a lot when it comes to winning matches in the ranked mode. Although there are a number of high loot-yielding spots on the map, they tend to be crowded, and landing there might not be the right choice. Here’s a list of safe at the same time high looting spots on the Bermuda map.

Top 3 Best looting spots in Bermuda Map

1. Pochinok

places to avoid on Bermuda map

Pochinok is one of the favorite spots in Free Fire for the rank pushers. Players can easily find all the sufficient loot in this spot. Moreover, the loots are scattered across buildings and small sheds, so players must make sure to raid every single house to find all the needed resources.

Being located at the center-most position, players do not have to worry about the shrinking zones, making it a safe location for the players who wish to push ranks.

2. Cape Town

Capetown in Free Fire

Cape Town is one of the best looting spots on the Bermuda Map. It is located at one corner of the map where not many players wish to visit. Unlike Pochinok, the houses here are not limited, a squad can easily suffice the loot available in this location. There are countless number of small houses with average loots.

However, it is suggested that players loot quick and move to a safer area since its located far away from the center of the map where the zone usually tend to end.

3. Graveyard

Graveyard in Free Fire

The Graveyard is probably one of the under-rated looting places in Free Fire. Although the place is comparatively smaller in size, the resources here can easily suffice the needs of players in the duo and solo format. Just like Capetown, Graveyard is also located on one corner of the map.

This is also the safest location on the whole map. This was the list of the top 3 looting spots in Free Fire’s Bermuda map.

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