Top 5 Best Free Fire Characters for Gold Coins in the game right now

Top 5 Best Free Fire Characters for Gold Coins in the game right now

Free Fire is a very popular Battle royale game in the market right now. Likewise its rise in popularity has been steady since its release in 2017. It has garnered a huge player base across the globe and is one of the most well known BR titles. But game has managed to create its unique identity among the other BR titles in the community. This is due to a few unique features that the game possesses. One of the unique features is characters with special abilities and personalities. However every character has a different ability and different parts that they are strong at. We take a look at the best Free Fire characters for gold coins in the game.

There are a total of 35 characters in the game. However only Adam and Nulla are the default characters and all the others can be bought from the store. But can only buy 11 Free Fire characters for Gold Coins. All the others require a diamond top-up.

This article lists the 5 best Free Fire characters for Gold coins in the game.

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Top 5 Best Free Fire Characters for Gold Coins in the game

There are only 11 characters in the game currently that can be bought with coins. They are:


Hayato is a legendary samurai and his special ability is called Bushido. This ability allows him to increase his armor by 7.5% with every 10% decrease in maximum HP. However once maxed out it becomes 10% increase in armor penetration.

The character is for 8000 coins or 499 diamonds.


Moco is a hacker with an ability called Hacker’s Eye. This ability lets her tag enemies’ shot for two seconds which is then shared with teammates. But at max level she can mark the enemies for 5 seconds.

Moco is priced at 8000 gold in the game store.


Maxim is a competitive eater and his ability is called Gluttony. This skill allows him to eat and use medkits faster by 2%. At max level he can use medkits faster by 12%.

His cost is a 8000 coins or 499 diamonds in the in-game store.


Miguel is a commander in the special forces and his ability is called Crazy Slayer. This ability gives him 30 EP for each kill. However at max level it restores 80 EP for each kill.

He can be bought in the game for 8000 gold coins.


Kelly is a very strong glasscannon. Her Dash ability increases her sprint speed by 5%. Her other ability is called ‘Deadly Velocity’which deals additional damage after running for 7 seconds. Also hitting someone within 5 seconds will cause additional damage. She is strong but has a high skill-cap to master.

She can be bought for 2000 gold coins.

These are the top 5 Free Fire character for Gold coins in the store. However these are not the strongest in the whole game.

(Note: This article contains the views of the author. However the views of the reader might differ.)

Also read: Free Fire The Chosen One game-mode: All you need to know