Top 5 Best Lootbox skins in Free Fire for December 2020

Top 5 Best Lootbox skins in Free Fire for December 2020

Free Fire is 2020’s most downloaded game so far. Free Fire is a battle royale game that offers a lot of different customisation options. You can choose character skins, weapon skins, pets, emotes and much more. Another one of the customisation options are lootboxes. Lootboxes are the boxes that drop when an enemy is killed, it contains all their items. This game even lets you customise how those look. In this article, we will see the top 5 best lootbox skins in Free Fire for December 2020.

Best Lootbox Skins in Free Fire

Blood Coffin

The Blood Coffin loot box is a sinister looking lootbox. Enemies will turn into this red coffin with chains and a light red glow. There are also red bats flying around it. It is very attractive, you will probably go the the corpse just to see your lootbox.

Jack in The Box

The Jack In The Box is a funny looking lootbox. When you kill an enemy, his items all go inside the jack in the box. It is a box that makes a large clown come out of it when opened. A classic as far as pranks go, but we are not sure if they are the best choice for marriage proposals.

FS Video

Zombie Corpse

Zombie corpse is a funny looking lootbox skin. When you kill an enemy, he turns into a zombie that is slumped over. There also appears to be a green smoky aura coming from it’s behind. Our guess is that it doesn’t smell very good, but it is rather cool to look at,


The otherwordly lootbox is a mystical looking skin for the same. It is a large blue cube with some glowing blue lines across it. It has what looks like a constellation on it and a ghost like hologram floating above it. Very unique looking skin for a lootbox.

Hunter’s Trophy

The Hunter’s Trophy lootbox is pretty aggressive looking. It has a huge skull with glowing red eyes as the centre piece and some flaming exhausts on either side. It admittedly looks rather nice.

Those were our picks for the top 5 best lootbox skins in Free Fire.

Also Read: Top 5 Best Katana skins in Free Fire