Top 5 Best SMGs in Call of Duty Mobile

Call of Duty mobile is a game that is immensely popular around the world. It has a thriving professional scene and has players around the world. The developers keep adding brand new content to the game with each passing season. The game has a huge arsenal of weapons at the players disposal. There are shotguns, SMGs, pistols, sniper rifles, launchers and more. In this article we will see the Top 5 SMGs in Call of Duty Mobile.

The RUS has been one of the best weapons in the game since it’s release. This weapon deals damage fast, accurately and effectively. The aim down sights speed of this weapon is also fairly low. It is really accurate while hip firing at close ranges too.

The Razorback is one of the most well rounded SMGs in the game. It dishes out 42 damage at a very consistent fire rate. It’s accuracy is what makes the gun so deadly. The weapon is also easy to handle.

The MSMC is a weapon that is really good at close range. It deals significant damage and has a very snappy fire rate. It is fairly accurate when used up close as well. One can always use attachments to improve the gun. An extended mag attachment is just what this gun needs.

The QXR deals 38 damage and also has a really fast burst fire speed. It is also very precise and has great accuracy. What’s more is that the QXR also has a 50 round magazine attachment that you can unlock. This attachment combined with the amazing stats will make this gun a very useful one.

The QQ9 is COD Mobile’s version of the MP5. This gun is very versatile and can be modded to the player’s preference. It has high damage and a fire rate of 83. The QQ9 is deadly at close range.
That was our article regarding The top 5 best SMGs in Call of Duty Mobile.
Also Read: How to play Call of Duty Mobile using emulators in 2021