Top 5 mobs that give the most EXP in Minecraft!

Top 5 mobs that give the most EXP in Minecraft!

Top 5 mobs that give the most EXP in Minecraft! (image via.

The world of Minecraft is cutthroat and players need to constantly level up by gaining EXP to Enchant their gear. In this article we take a look at the top 5 mobs that give the most EXP in Minecraft so that players can effectively gain levels.

EXP in Minecraft contributes to the levels that the players receive. The levels are useful for Enchanting the player’s gear using an Enchanting Table, which uses the level as a intermediate and fuel to apply the enchant. Killing Mobs in Minecraft give EXP but it is varied and different mobs drop a different amount of them.

Here are the top 5 mobs that give the most EXP in Minecraft!

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5 mobs that give the most EXP in Minecraft

Magma Cubes

mobs that give the most EXP in Minecraft
Magma Cubes (image via.

Magma Cubes are a uncommon mob that can be found in the Nether realms in magma, Nether Fortresses and in Bastion Remnants where they can spawn from a spawner.

When a big Magma Cube is killed it divides into smaller cubes which also give EXP. Therefore killing a Large Magma Cube will give the players a total of 16 EXP orbs.

Related: Top 5 best Enchantments for Leggings in Minecraft!

Piglin Brutes

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YouTube: wattles

Piglin Brutes are one of the mobs that give the most EXP in Minecraft and is tied with the Ravager in amount. They are stronger and more dangerous than Piglins and sport the highest melee attack damage in the game.

But for each Piglin Brute killed, the players will get 20 EXP orbs. However, finding them can be very difficult as they only spawn in Bastion Remnants and have no unlimited source of spawning.


mobs that give the most EXP in Minecraft
Ravagers (image via.

Ravagers are a rare mob that only spawns during Raids in Villages by pillagers and vindicators. These are huge ox-like mobs that have a huge health pool and deal knockback damage. However, killing one gives the players 20 EXP orbs. However, they are not worth the difficulty of the challenge.


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YouTube: wattles

The Wither is an optional side-boss that the players can summon and defeat and is the only source of Nether Stars. The Wither creates explosions and is very hard to beat, but the EXP and drops are worth it.

Players will get 50 EXP when killed and a Wither Star is also guaranteed each time.

Ender Dragon

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YouTube: wattles

The Ender Dragon is the last boss of Minecraft and also one of the biggest and hardest mobs to beat. The black dragon with purple eyes drops a astounding 12,000 EXP when the players defeats it for the first time. This instantly takes the player from 1 to level 64.

After the first time, the Ender Dragon drops 500 EXP when killed which is miles ahead than other mobs in the game and stands at the top of mobs that give the most EXP in Minecraft!

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Also read: Top 5 best Enchantments for Boots in Minecraft!