Top 5 most searched questions about Minecraft Axolotls!

An Axolotl (Image via Mojang)
Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update has introduced many new mobs and the Axolotls are one of the most popular of them. Here are the top 5 most search questions about Minecraft Axolotls and we answer all of them.
Axolotls are one of the new aquatic mobs that the developers have introduced in the Caves and Cliffs update part I. These are a friend of the players and will help them defeat many of the hostile aquatic mobs like Guardians, Elder Guardians and the Drowned. Therefore, players like to collect them and make them their pets.
Here are the top 5 most searched questions about Minecraft Axolotls!
5 most searched questions about Minecraft Axolotls

The Axolotls are a new mob and many players do not know about the features of this mob. Therefore we answer the hottest questions that the players are searching for!
Related: Top 5 features for the Warden in Minecraft Caves and Cliffs update part 2!
Can Axolotls be tamed in Minecraft?

Axolotls cannot be tamed in Minecraft as of now. However, players can still take them along by carrying them around in a Bucket. They are not hostile towards the players and will help them attack other hostile underwater mobs.
After collecting them in a Bucket, players can then release them in a water body to make them ready for action!
What is the rarest Axolotl?

Axolotls come in a variety of colors but the rarest Axolotl in Minecraft is the Cyan colored Axolotl. This can only be found by the players by breeding two Axolotls and has a 0.083% chance to spawn. They cannot be found in the world naturally.
What do Axolotls Eat in Minecraft?

Axolotls can be fed with Buckets of Tropical Fish that the players can find in Warm ocean biomes. Players can catch them with a Bucket and feed it to a Axolotl to recover health.
How to find an Axolotl in Minecraft?
Axolotls spawn mainly in Cave water sources in small underground ponds and water blocks. The Lush caves biome will also have a chance of spawning Axolotls.
They can also be found in the depths of ocean where the light levels are low, approximately at Y 63 depth.
Do Axolotls play dead?

Axolotls have a special mechanic that allows them to play dead and recover health while being fatally wounded by the enemy. The Axolotl will flip and small bubble animation will play over them. During this, the enemy will not attack the Axolotls and the Minecraft Axolotl will gain the Regeneration status effect.
When their HP recovers, they will resume attacking the mob.
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