Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters: Abilities Explained

Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters: Abilities Explained

Genshin Impact has seen many characters over time, and the strongest Genshin Impact Characters are not necessarily the top-tiered or the most costly ones in the game. Having a variety of characters for many elements in the game, some emerge as the most powerful for fighting. Since its release in September, Genshin Impact has released many characters over time. In hindsight, all characters in Genshin Impact are viable, no matter where they land in certain tier lists. The article lists the top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters, along with their detailed ability and cost.

Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters
Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters

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Strongest Genshin Impact Characters

Genshin Impact has several characters, each special in its own way, used as the primary damage dealer, or even for knocking off enemies.  While base stats and elemental abilities are important, the value of a character also depends on personal playstyle, available weapons and artifacts, and team composition.

5. Zhongli

Cost: 28,000 Primogems

Zhongli is a playable Geo character in Genshin Impact. He first appears in the Archon Quests Chapter I: Act II – Farewell, the Archaic Lord. Highly intelligent and calculating, Zhongli accurately predicts Childe’s plans, and he builds his test for Liyue entirely around the Harbinger.

Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters
Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters

Normal Attack: Performs up to 6 rapid strikes.

4. Albedo

Albedo, also known as the “Kreideprinz” is a playable Geo character in Genshin Impact. He is a talented artist, having picked up the hobby initially to help with his experiments. Due to the forgotten and ancient knowledge he possesses, he considers himself to be a threat.

Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters
Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters

Normal Attack: Perform up to 5 rapid strikes.

3. Diluc

Cost: 14,400 Primogems/ 90 Wishes

Diluc Ragnvindr is a playable Pyro character in Genshin Impact, belonging to SS Tier and probably the best. Despite the increased number of new additions to the roster, Diluc remains a top DPS and has always been the best pyro character in the game.

Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters
Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters

Normal Attack: Perform up to four consecutive strikes.

2. Hu Tao

Hu Tao is a playable Pyro character in Genshin Impact. Hu Tao accepts death as a natural part of life and does not hesitate to tell others to enjoy their short lives; while this makes her insensitive to others, it helps her truly respect her job to help the dead “cross over.” 

Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters
Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters

Normal Attack: Performs up to six consecutive spear strikes.

1. Ganyu

Ganyu is a playable Cryo character in Genshin Impact. She has an unusually impressive work schedule that she always follows to the dot. Despite having a massive workload and frequent overtime, Ganyu is never fazed by the work.

Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters
Top 5 Strongest Genshin Impact Characters

Normal Attack: Perform up to 6 consecutive shots with a bow.

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