Dale Brown(D.U.S.T) reveals number of UFC fighters have reached out to collaborate, claims he’s ‘Team Buckley’

Dale Brown(D.U.S.T) reveals number of UFC fighters have reached out to collaborate, claims he’s ‘Team Buckley’

Dale Brown to be strictly 'Team Buckley' for now.

Dale Brown shares his experience of being in the corner of Joaquin Buckley and how he’s got many offers from other UFC fighters to do the same, says “It’s very positive, very professional, facilitators and competitors were very respectful, an unbelievable event!”.

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When asked if he would corner for Joaquin Buckley and help him get that win again, he replied with a “Possibly… That’s definitely possible. Let’s see…” and continued to say that several of the UFC fighters were supposedly reaching out to him, see if they could come by the facility and to collaborate but ended it with saying “We are Team Buckley and that will NOT happen!”

Related: “Those will work” Joaquin Buckley believes Commander Dale Brown’s self defense tactics are effective in a street fight

Is Dale Brown going to continue Joaquin Buckley? Well, Brown hit us up with how he still has something to contribute and a ‘part’ of his routine could contribute towards Buckley’s game. “He’s got great coaches but, I do contribute to that, so yeah. Definitively, Positively…(Would continue to train with Buckley)”

Dale Brown trying to reach out Odell Beckham jr. ; Wants to teach him some ‘Firearm Tactics’

Dale Brown of D.U.S.T and Odell Bechkham Jr.

Brown is then hit with the other angle of the same question, if he would still be down to train with ‘celebrities’ like Rick Ross or anyone like him, Brown responds positively to the question saying that he would love to train with entertainers, celebrities and how he was trying to reach out the American Football player Odell Beckham Jr. to teach him some ‘Firearm Tactics.’

Joaquin Buckley visited the ‘facility’ of Commander Brown and was surprised to see that most of Brown’s techniques were legit and were ‘The real deal.’

Also read: “Zombie better watch his back”- Henry Cejudo reveals whether he’d fight for the title if The Korean Zombie wins the title