Dana White’s inspiration behind UFC, Bruce Lee reveals SECRET to winning all Street fights

Dana White’s inspiration behind UFC, Bruce Lee reveals SECRET to winning all Street fights

Dana White and Bruce Lee (Image Courtesy: UCC/South China Morning Post)

Bruce Lee, a legend in martial arts, passed away about 50 years ago, yet his influence endures to this day. Lee is regarded as one of the greatest martial artists of all time, and his distinct style of combat has impacted many practitioners over the years, helping to develop a completely new branch of martial arts.

Lee was passionate about fighting, and his philosophy for teaching people was different from others. During an interview, Lee was talking about a street fight scenario, and the ‘Dragon’ mentioned that in order to have an upper hand in a no-rules type of fight, one should train every part of his body.

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He said: “When you’re talking about fighting, as it is, with no rules, well then, baby you’d better train every part of your body!” Lee was famous for his extreme training methods, which included everything in massive amounts. Even though Bruce Lee was lean, he was outrageously strong and fast. 

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Joe Rogan on Bruce Lee’s contribution to modern mixed martial arts

Joe Rogan and Bruce Lee
Joe Rogan and Bruce Lee (Image Courtesy: CNBC)

Bruce Lee started it all and paved the way for the current sport of MMA, and he is well respected by various top individuals in the business, including the CEO of the UFC, Dana White. 

In 2014, during an interview with EA Sports UFC, White voiced his belief that Lee was the initiator of mixed martial arts, stating, “The Gracies were the founding fathers of the actual UFC. But I think the sport of mixed martial arts was started by Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee’s movies, Bruce Lee’s philosophies, just Bruce Lee’s image alone is very powerful.” White didn’t even hesitate to call him the “father of MMA”. 


Similarly, In a podcast episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, the host Joe Rogan and comedian Brian Redban talked about Lee’s influence on mixed martial arts. According to Rogan, the first time the general public saw a mixed martial arts battle was in Lee’s well-known movie Enter the Dragon.

Rogan mentioned that Lee was the one who unified a lot of people who followed and made mixed martial arts mainstream. He said: “First time we ever see a tap, it’s here in Enter The Dragon. And they bow afterwards. This is literally like an example for everybody to see of the first mixed martial arts fight and it was Bruce Lee…Bruce Lee, he opened that door to everybody because back then, especially before the UFC, martial arts was very like everybody stayed in their tribe.”

He further added: “The Judo guys thought Judo was the best. The kickboxer guys thought kickboxing was the best. Like everybody had their own mindset on what style was the best. Bruce Lee started it all off bro.” Rogan respects Lee a lot, often talks about him on his podcast, and was himself inspired by Lee to start combat sports. 

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