“Real fight…f**king dead,” Joe Rogan explains to Jamie Foxx how Conor McGregor can always talk trash against Floyd Mayweather

“Real fight…f**king dead,” Joe Rogan explains to Jamie Foxx how Conor McGregor can always talk trash against Floyd Mayweather

Joe Rogan explains why Conor McGregor can outclass Floyd Mayweather every time in trash-talking. McGregor vs. Mayweather’s crossover boxing matchup in 2017 was one of the biggest fighting events of all time. Ahead of the fight, everybody was hyped about how it was going to happen, and Joe Rogan and Jamie Foxx were no different.

In a podcast before the fight, both discussed how the fight will take place, and Rogan mentioned how Conor McGregor can get into Mayweather’s head by trash-talking.

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He said: “It’s the greatest freak show ever. There is also the mindf*** factor. Conor’s the only guy that Floyd’s has ever fought that can look at him and go ‘ If this was a real fight, you would be f**** dead.” 

Rogan explained that McGregor has the upper hand as he can always talk about a real MMA fight in which he could possibly destroy Floyd Mayweather. This is enough to give ‘money’ doubts about the fight. Jamie Foxx, who is a good friend of Mayweather and a huge fight fan, agreed with Rogan and revealed that he is just so excited about the fight. While both of them were true, the trash-talking between McGregor and Mayweather was extremely entertaining.

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Joe Rogan comments on Floyd Mayweather fighting an amateur wrestler

Joe ROgan on Floyd Mayweather
Rogan on Floyd Mayweather (Image Courtesy: News Week)

Joe Rogan has been training in different forms of combat sports such as kickboxing and Jiu-jitsu for years now. When it comes to knowledge about fighting, Rogan is well-respected among experts. 

Rogan once talked in an interview about how professional boxers would do against someone who knows wrestling, and according to the UFC color commentator, it would be very one-sided. 

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He said: “MMA for sure is more of a realistic contest, more of a realistic test as far as using the body in martial arts competition… Floyd Mayweather would get killed by an average college wrestler. There would be no competition….There’s nothing Floyd can do about it. A judo guy would do the same thing to him.”

According to Rogan, someone like Floyd Mayweather would not survive against a college wrestler, as it is very hard for any boxer. Rogan explained that Mayweather won’t be able to do anything against him, and the same result will happen if the legendary boxer fights a judo expert.

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