“Attacked me from behind” – Alleged UFC PI brawl instigator fires back at Argentinian star Ailin Perez for assault accusations

Conflicting accounts emerge regarding the altercation involving Ailin Perez, Joselyne Edwards, and coach Javier Oyarzabal during UFC Vegas 82 fight week.

“Attacked me from behind” – Alleged UFC PI brawl instigator fires back at Argentinian star Ailin Perez for assault accusations

Joselyne Edwards allegedly attacked Ailin Perez (Image via: Instagram/Joselyne Edwards, Ailin Perez)

Ailin Perez emerged victorious against Lucie Pudilova at the recent UFC Vegas 82. However, a surprising turn of events unfolded around the fighter during fight week. This involved an alleged physical altercation with a fellow female UFC fighter, Joselyne Edwards, at the UFC PI. It also resulted in the unexpected intervention of her coach, Javier Oyarzabal. She revealed this during her post-fight interview. However, Edwards and MMA manager Alex Davis had a different story to tell.

Perez shared details about receiving a black eye from an altercation in the post-fight interview. Perez accused Edwards without naming her. In her post-fight speech with Paul Felder, Perez provided her side of the story. Perez also acknowledged her coach’s role in preventing the assault. This is what she said.

What I did was I stated my opinion online about the fight. I didn’t disrespect anyone...........But this irrelevant lady came up to me after I was opinionated about one of her fights,.........She did assault me with the intention to make me pull out of my fight....... I won and fought regardless of the assault that took place.
Ailin Perez via post fight interview
YouTube video

Joselyne Edwards was later identified as the alleged attacker of Perez. MMA Mania’s Alex Behunin got an exclusive interview with Joselyne Edwards to provide her side of the story of what actually transpired. This is the statement that Edwards gave to MMA Mania.

While we were fighting, her coach attacked me from behind. He was strangling me so that Ailin would hit me.......he started the fight, he was the one who heated things.
Joselyne Edwards via MMA Mania.

Joselyn Edwards claimed that it was Perez’s coach who unexpectedly attacked her and strangled her from behind. Edwards’ story contradicted the story of Perez, who painted her coach, Javier Oyarzabal, as a hero.

MMA Manager Alex Davis blames Ailin Perez’s coach Javier Oyarzabal as the attacker

MMA manager Alex Davis was present during the alleged assault at the UFC PI. He shed more light on the brawl, and Davis gave an exclusive statement to Alex Behunian of MMA Mania. Davis’s statement seconded what Joselyn Edwards said.

Alex Davis and Javier Oyarzabal
Alex Davis and Javier Oyarzabal (Image via: Instagram/Alex Davis, Javier Oyarzabal)

This is the statement that Davis gave to Alex Behunian of MMA Mania.

I was sitting on the large octagon inside of the P.I. I saw Ailin and her coach on top of Joselyn.......When I went to help out and saw the male coach choking Joselyn with a rear-naked choke.......If the choke was held on for much longer, it would have been a terrible scene......... the coach was ranting and yelling, trying to continue to fight.
Alex Davis via MMA Mania

Davis said it was Javier Oyarzabal, the coach of Ailin Perez, who was at fault. Apparently, Oyarzabal forced Perez and Edwards to fight and joined the fight, handicapping Edwards. The injured Edwards could not properly defend herself. Davis was present at the scene as he was with Amanda Ribas, whom he manages.

In case you missed it!