“He beat the f*ck out of my mother”- Joe Rogan opens up about the horrible things his father did when he was a little child

Joe Rogan
One of the most influential MMA personalities on this earth is the long-time commentator and analyst, Joe Rogan. Rogan runs a very special podcast by the name of The Joe Rogan Experience. Rogan invites people from all professions and talks about the most bizarre topic without any filter.
Rogan has been the center of many controversies, and the most recent one came when he expressed his views about the Coronavirus vaccine mandates. He criticized the government for forcing people to take the vaccine, and he got shunned by the entire medical community. Many artists were mad at Rogan too, and he had to publicly apologize for his comments.
After this settled down, a video of him saying the N-word surfaced online, and people once again started the ‘cancel Joe Rogan moment.’ Rogan received support from the MMA community, and many begged the question of what dark moment in his life left such an impact on his life.
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Rogan has been pretty closed about his personal life, but in one of his podcast episodes, he opened up about his dark childhood. He recalled the experience he had with his real father, and how much it impacted his life. He said, “My mom and my step-dad are actually very happy, and they’ve been happy since I was seven years old. It’s really weird. All my damage sh*t came from my real father, before I was seven. My real father was crazy, he was like a psychotic person. He beat the f*ck out of my mother, he beat the f*ck out of my cousin. He picked my cousin up by his hair, dude.”
He added, “All I remember of my dad are these brief, violent flashes of domestic violence. But I don’t want to complain about my childhood. Nothing bad ever really happened to me, I don’t hate the guy.”
He also blamed his father for advocating toxic masculinity, “One time I had a fight with my cousin, because I liked King Kong and he liked Godzilla. My dad pulled me aside, pulled me in a room, shut the door. I’ll never forget this because I was five years old. There’s very few things that I remember about him but this is one of them.”
“And he goes, ‘What happened?’ And you could not lie to him, there’s no lie. ‘You didn’t cry did you?’ ‘No I didn’t cry.’ ‘Don’t ever cry.’ Then he patted me on the head and walked out of the room. I was punching everybody after that. I got the greenlight to punch kids as long as I didn’t cry.”
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