“He definitely listened” Joe Rogan shares a haunting clip from JRE featuring Elon Musk about the time he warned Obama of the dangers of AI

Rogan shared a clip of him discussing AI with Elon Musk
Every day as technology advances everyone feels that they are one step closer to Skynet. Joe Rogan is obviously no better than us commoners in pondering about how the nightmare scenario might turn out. However, unlike most commoners, Joe has the option to clear and share his thoughts with literally some of the smartest people on Earth.
One of these friends that Joe has the pleasure of knowing, is none other than space explorer extraordinaire and the man who is working to put a chip in your brain for it to function better through Neuralink, Elon Musk. Musk has now become a mainstay in the JRE Lore, this is despite Musk Only appearing on the podcast only twice in his life.
While the first appearance is more noted due to the infamous clip of Musk smoking weed at the studio and the ultimate consequences of it, the second one is a more tame and nuanced conversation about Elon’s areas of expertise. While one may be forgiven for not being worried about Artificial intelligence taking over their daily lives, it is already happening as the algorithms are able to change our process of thought with a few tweaks to what it shows us.
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Joe Rogan shares dystopian talk clip featuring Elon Musk and Obama

Elon Musk was early to highlight the potential danger that this new self-thinking technology poses as it evolves. While Elon’s concerns are more related to full-blown military takeovers, he has tried to warn the appropriate people regardless. One such person was the former President of the United States, Barack Obama.
While he was in office, Obama was visited by Musk who talked about the threats that this technology poses under the small chance that we lose control of it. While during this segment Joe tried to lighten the mood by making a joke about Hilary Clinton, Elon reiterated the seriousness of the subject by telling that the former president was “Definitely listening” to what he had to say.
The video is captioned “At some point in the future, this clip will be in an underground Documentary explaining how AI took over” Elon also tried explaining how he went through the ordeal of trying to explain the issue to Old members of Congress at the US Capitol.
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