“F**king crazy” – Prominent website’s UFC antitrust lawsuit articles getting removed ahead of $4.8 billion lawsuit trial has fans suspecting foul play from Dana White’s company

With a billion dollar lawsuit fast approaching, the rebuttal of all such related documents and content moderation takes fight fans aback.

“F**king crazy” – Prominent website’s UFC antitrust lawsuit articles getting removed ahead of $4.8 billion lawsuit trial has fans suspecting foul play from Dana White’s company

Fans lay blame on Dana White and Co. for the loss of staple members at Bloody Elbow (Source: Instagram/IMAGO)

As a pioneer combat sports promotion, UFC has its share of good and bad days; so has Bloody Elbow. The prominent MMA coverage website (part of the SB Nation network of blogs) is widely famous. Up until Jan. 2023. Vox Media owned it, preceding the acquisition by founding editor, Nate Wilcox. It diligently reported updates on UFC facing billions in damages in an anti-trust lawsuit. Currently, the sudden rebuttal of all such content from the website has the MMA world throwing shade on Dana White and Co.

Starting as a $1.6 Billion Anti-Trust Lawsuit, it morphed into a class-action affair, with 1000s seeking damages. Former UFC fighters Cung LeNathan QuarryJon FitchBrandon VeraLuis Javier Vazquez, and Kyle Kingsbury acted as plaintiffs (Case No. 2:15-cv-01045-RFB-BNW). The 80-page ruling obtained by MMA Junkie saw the unsealing of many confidential titbits. From White cussing at 265lbs G.O.A.T Jon Jones for money demands to the release of many UFC payouts.

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The latter brought to the forefront the issue of uneven fighter pay and a set-in-stone 50k bonus afflicting them. And Bloody Elbow was there for all of it. However, under Co-founder and head honcho Graham Morris, new owners GRV Media have laid off all previous workers and their coverage content. Global Head of entertainment director, Liam Curtis is at the helm of Bloody Elbow now.

With the lawsuit trials approaching, fight fans are not acclimating to this “bleak” progression after the new acquisition. They can but only label what has transpired to be a “F**king crazy” turn of events. Consequently, that isn’t the lonesome response it has got.

Fight fans react to mass lay-off and content limitations on Bloody Elbow

Renowned MMA coverage site Bloody Elbow saw a recent lay-off of most of its original staple members. Like MMA writing/Managing Editor, Anton Tabuena (@antontabuena), Art Director for BloodyElbow.substack.com Chris Rini (@RiniMMA), and others. Combat sports analyst, Luke Thomas even reflected on the matter. Thomas worked as editor-in-chief until 2011 under the helm of Nate Wilcox.

Fans react to the matter
Fans react to the matter (Source: Twitter)

This comes in light of UFC’s multi-billion class-action lawsuit. Federal Judge, Richard Boulware recently unsealed the case, boosting it to a split case. Bloody Elbow did in-depth reviews on the matter, along with timely updates. However, most such content is gone.

Here are the responses that have accordingly garnered –


Fans thus feel dejected at the regulation of Bloody Elbow, mentioning it as being one of the only sites that dared to report on less-than-stable behaviorism from fighters. Accordingly, they have jibed at Dana White’s UFC, hinting at foul play and content moderation.

Consequently, some fight fans and MMA enthusiasts have initiated their research into the new management for such a connection.

However, the Bloody Elbow podcasts and Substacks remain untouched. Many fans thus take it to be a bad sign for MMA journalism.

Social forums have also gibed at the NELK Boys and Nina Marie-Daniele serving the MMA fanbase now. The latter partakes in fight interviews and skits, seen mostly during UFC “Countdown” and UFC ‘Embedded,’ Vlog Series; while the NELK Boys have a close acquaintance with White himself.

In case you missed it: