Bill Algeo edges Joanderson Brito in an intense grappling contest, withstands storm at UFC Vegas 46

Bill Algeo vs Joanderson Brito
UFC Featherweight Bill Algeo defeats Joanderson Brito via unanimous decision with his amazing grappling skillset at UFC Vegas 46 headlined by Calvin Kattar and Giga Chikadze. Algeo is now looking for a matchup as tough as his callout of tonight’s main-event fighter Giga Chikadze. Following is the detailed play by play between both the tough contenders of the featherweight division.
Round 1: Both the fighters have a tense starting. Algeo throws some lead body kicks. Brito gets in the clinch, double hook positions. Brito is probably looking for a takedown. Algeo is trying to control Brito’s hips to stop his movement. Brito picks up Algeo for some time, walks around a little bit and throws Algeo down. Now Brito has Algeo’s back.
Algeo is a BJJ Black Belt but Brito is looking very strong. Algeo escapes successfully. Now he is working to wear down Brito’s full guard. The grappling fight between both the fighters is very intriguing to look at. Brito gets back on his feet after getting a bit under Algeo’s control, the former looks for another takedown but Algeo stops him. Both the fighters are back on their feet with half a minute left. Brito seems a bit worn out due to his powerful headstart. FirstSportz has it a very close 10-9 for Algeo.
Round 2:Both the fighters start off with a wild trade of shots for the first few seconds. Brito gets back on taking Algeo down, but he is having a relatively tough time as compared to the first round. It seems like Brito is just rushing and forcing a takedown without any setup to make it happen on its own. Algeo is showing good wrestling skills. Fight back on feet, Algeo tries to throw some more body kicks. Both the fighters are trading and missing shots.
Bill Algeo vs Joanderson Brito at UFC Vegas 46: Kattar vs Chikadze

Brito gets back to takedown. Perhaps Brito has to try staying on his feet to not get tired. Algeo somehow made it to control a tired Brito now on the ground. Transition to cage side wrestling and Algeo is going for hand stomps. The fight gets back on the feet with Brito escaping from the cage side and now he is fighting forward with some good strikes but Algeo has answered back, the fighters get back to clinching. Round ends. FirstSportz has it 10-9 for Algeo.
Round 3: Algeo and Brito start back to trading and then transition to some clinching. Back to the centre of the octagon, Brito throws big heavy strikes coming forward and seems to be intent on another clinch. Algeo slips out Brito’s 1-2 punches. Some trades, more actively from Brito. Algeo lands some good looping punches too. Algeo gets Brito back to clinch control. Seems Algeo wants to have clinch control time. The fight goes back on its feet and both the fighters are shooting overhand rights.
Algeo is working on the jab too but Brito has more edge on the same. Brito is looking to land a powerful straight punch. In a brief grappling, Algeo gets a big takedown and takes Brito’s back. Brito needs to be very careful. The round ends. FirstSportz has it 10-9 in favour of Algeo.
Results: Bill Algeo defeats Joanderson Brito via unanimous decision [30-27, 29-28 x 2]
Abhai Singh Tanwar
(1386 Articles Published)