Ukraine Tennis secretary “slaps” tennis Europe CEO for taking a “disgracefully weak” stand on Russia’s invasion

Evgeniy Zukin slaps Thomas Hammerl
Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Tennis Europe had a meeting shortly after it to evaluate what restrictions and punishments should be imposed. There were extensive demands for Belarus and Russia to be banned from national events, tournaments to be canceled, and Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete under a single flag. However, the board came to a conclusion while on a zoom video call that the junior events in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine would be cessated. This is what upset the Ukraine Tennis secretary Evgeniy Zukin who called the decision “disgracefully weak”.
Tennis Europe urged the international tennis fraternity to stand in solidarity for players from the countries concerned, emphasizing that no one should be condemned or blamed for the regimes’ actions in their native countries. This is where Zukin took his wrath. Because of the reluctance to denounce Russia’s military invasion, Zukin felt slighted, and he took issues into his own hands later that day when he picked a fight at dinner. He allegedly slapped the tennis Europe CEO Thomas Hammerl. This spread like a wildfire over the internet.
“I read the statement, finished my dinner, stood up, turned around, saw him [Hammerl] sitting five tables near me, and asked him ‘How come you could do this?’ “He said ‘Go away. [So] I gave him a light slap and walked away,” he said while explaining his actions.
‘The statement in which Tennis Europe puts Russia and Belarus in one line, is an absolute disgrace’: Ukraine Tennis secretary

Cops were called to the Club Mega Saray in Antalya, Turkey, and Zukin was driven to the police station, where he apologized and admitted to overreacting. Nevertheless, the International Tennis Federation may still take action against him (ITF). In response to any additional disciplinary charges, the Ukrainian stated that he “doesn’t care.” “The statement in which Tennis Europe puts Russia and Belarus in one line, and talks about suspending tournaments, is an absolute disgrace. If someone wants to put a disciplinary charge against me, I am fine. I don’t care,” he added.