Valorant agents that need buffs to be playable in 2022

Valorant agents that need buffs to be playable in 2022
Valorant is one of the most popular FPS games, and the meta is constantly shifting. Developers have added new agents and adjusted them with updates to keep the majority of them up to current with the meta. However, a few agents are still ignored by the athletes daily. As a result, in Valorant, there must be a balance among the agents.
In their most recent “State of the Agents” blog, published in December 2021, they also vowed to bring agent balance. Episode 4 Act 1 of the game has recently been released, featuring Filipino duelist Neon. Patch 4.0, on the other hand, made no modifications to it. In future patch upgrades, the Valorant community expects the developers to make significant changes to the agents.
With the addition of neon into the game and new maps such as Fracture. Let’s take a look at some characters who will need some additions to their kit to make them a viable pick.
Valorant Agents that are not upto the mark for the current meta

Breach is one of Valorant’s least popular initiators, as its ability toolbox isn’t as diverse as those of other agents. The mechanical arms of the Swedish agent are capable of stunning and flashing, which can be useful depending on the situation. Breach, like the other initiators Sova, Skye, and KAY/O, isn’t very good at acquiring information in the game. As a result, his pick rate is poor, falling to 2% in Episode 3 Act 3 according to The agent is one of the most important in a map like facture due to his ability to clear the ground and provide space to his teammates. While pushing back his opponents.

Pheonix was the only agent in the Valorant Champions 2021 who had a zero pick rate after Yoru. Jett, Reyna, and Raze are the most powerful duelists. However, they are falling behind due to changes in the meta and a lack of ability to engage in aggressive combat. Despite Riot Games’ announcement of a Yoru revamp, there have been no formal statements about Phoenix buffs. To keep up with other duelist agents, the agent needs to make improvements, with a particular focus on his ultimate ability. For a character like Phoenix to be viable in-game, there will be a need to improve either his flashes or the manner the flame wall words.

Yoru’s buffs are one of the community’s most requested agent upgrades. Since his release, the Valorant duelist has had a non-viable pick rate. Many people say he isn’t a good fit for the duelist role because his talents prevent him from engaging in aggressive combat like others. Yoru, on the other hand, is effective at gathering intel, which is done by the initiating agents.
For Yoru to be at his best, his kit will require him to be able to confuse the opponent team with his location. This can only happen if the opponents notice a decoy or a fake Yoru on their screens.