Wukong’s New Camouflage Ability After The OB27 Update

With the OB27 update introduced in Free Fire, tons of new changes were there in the character system. With this update, Free Fire is going has increased the ability of many old characters to make their power more comparable to newer characters.
Wukong was one of the character whose camouflage ability was also reworked and made awesome after the update. Some of these buffs are actually really huge and they make the character become a hot character.
Camouflage Ability After OB27 Update

Wukong’s “Camouflage Ability,” has received a significant buff in the OB27 update. It can transform the players into a bush for 10 seconds and has a cooldown of 250 seconds at the base level. With each kill, the cooldown duration will reset.
The skill was reworked to have a less cooldown duration and the cooldown reset after each kill has send Wukong to the character you want to use.
Why You Should Use Wukong?
#1. Sneaking Master
You can sneak in the enemies base and surprise them with your presence and confirm a kill. You can also use Wukong to counter Chrono’s ability at times.
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#2. Auto-aim Counter
As mentioned in the Free Fire, Wukong section, you can take advantage of the camouflage skill as auto-aim counter. So, you can turn into the bush, keep moving and find a cover when getting unexpected shots.
#3. Avoid Damage Using Gloo Wall
During the battle, if your enemies spot and fire at Wukong, you can quickly use a gloo wall. The wall will be a good cover for you to run away and use the camouflage ability. Step back and transform into a bush, stay calm and wait for your enemies to approach and find you. When the opponent is fooled and gives his back to you, it’s time for you to kill him. During the battle, if your enemies spot and fire at your Wukong character, you can quickly create a gloo wall. The wall will be a good cover for you to run away and use the camouflage ability. Step back and transform into a bush, stay calm and wait for your enemies to approach and find you. When the opponent is fooled and gives his back to you, it’s time for you to kill him.
Also Read – Top 5 Legendary Emotes In Free Fire After OB27 Update