“Very grateful to work with him and get the experience”; Austin Theory shares his experience on working with the Visionary Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins and Austin Theory
Austin Theory has been one of the most intriguing superstars in the recent weeks after his main roster move. But this was not the first time he moved to the main roster. In 2020, Theory was added as a disciple and was aligned with the Monday Night Messiah is 2020 but after a few weeks, he was sent back to NXT.
Theory recently reacted to his sudden move to NXT and how he felt about it:
“I read a lot of people online say ‘Oh, you went back to NXT, you didn’t last on the main roster’ – I wouldn’t say I went back anywhere. I always think that I’m improving any everyone has a different journey with their career whether it’s WWE or anything. With me, I was basically filling a position because somebody was injured on RAW in a tag team, I came in for that position and they had an idea like ‘maybe we can do this’ so here I go now being taken out of one group and put into another.” – Theory revealed during an interview with Talksport
Austin Theory also shared his experience working with Seth Rollins

Theory also revealed how much he was grateful to work with the Visionary Seth Rollins who is indeed one of the biggest names in the wrestling industry. Theory revealed how much he enjoyed working with Seth and what he learned from him. Here’s what he said:
“Very grateful to work with Seth Rollins and get that experience, but just kind of knowing this might be something that lasts and I’m going to do my best at it, or it’s just something temporary because of the situation we’re in and, there’s a lot of stuff and ideas going on because we’re in the middle of a pandemic.“
“The good thing about it too was it wasn’t a big change for me. I was going to the Performance Center every day anyway and it was 15 minutes from my house, so it was just kind of the same thing. I never got the main roster feeling, if that makes sense.” – Theory continued during the interview with Talksport