WATCH: “You’re an a**hole” Jimmy Uso abused a Police officer after being arrested

Jimmy Uso is all set to make history alongside his twin brother Jey Uso as they square off against RKBro to unify the WWE Tag Team Championships. The Usos have been the longest reigning Smackdown tag team champions in the history of the blue brand. However, the twins have been caught multiple times being found guilty of illegal purposes.
A similar incident happened back in July when Jimmy was arrested for a DIU offence. But, recently a video has emerged on the internet with the bodycam of the policeman and Jimmy was seen abusing the official.
Jimmy Uso calls the policeman an ‘a**hole”

During his traffic stop, Jimmy Uso is seen reacting to something uttered by a Pensacola Police officer. Uso was pulled over on suspicion of speeding and running a red light. According to TMZ Sports, the police detected alcohol in the automobile and started a DUI investigation. Jimmy’s field sobriety test was a success, according to the officer. Jimmy Uso was enraged by this. The WWE superstar then sent out words to the policeman.
“You’re an assh*le. You’re the one that’s worse. You had a remark. You made a remark you shouldn’t have did,” said Jimmy.
The officer expressed regret for the manner he spoke to Uso. Jimmy eventually agreed to help. Uso was then detained for driving under the influence after failing his field sobriety test. Jimmy Uso pled no contest to the charge of driving under the influence. This month, prosecutors and defence attorneys reached an agreement to end the case. Jimmy had to finish numerous courses as part of the arrangement, which he accomplished. Uso hoped the DUI controversy was behind him, but this new video will almost certainly drag it back into the spotlight.