WWE Personal Kayla Braxton reveals her dangerous medical condition since childhood

WWE Personal Kayla Braxton reveals her dangerous medical condition since childhood

Kayla Braxton in WWE

One of the most recognisable faces in WWE is Kayla Braxton because she is a frequent on-screen interviewer and performs a lot of other tasks as well. She joined the company in 2016 and debuted on the main roster as a ring announcer at Backlash in 2017. In 2019, she started working backstage as an interviewer.

She continues to appear in the WWE backstage interviews segment where she chats with many famous people and even gets hit on by a few of the most charismatic ones, such Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo, who recently regained their first names. With her self-assurance and wide smile, she has been great in the parts.

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Kayla Braxton reveals her personal life issues

Kayla Braxton
Kayla Braxton in NXT

Many of Kayla Braxton’s Twitter followers are interested in learning about her personal life as well as some unsavoury facts about her. Currently, Kayla has made a surprising revelation in which she discussed a serious medical problem from which she has been suffering since childhood.

The relatively rare disease known as sleep paralysis, which Kayla revealed she has, is often brought on by a normal nerve disturbance. In this situation, the individual who is sleeping occasionally awakens with a lifeless, paralysed body, indicating that the brain awakens from sleep but the body does not.

The body is paralysed in this situation for roughly 5 to 10 minutes, and the ailment often gets better on its own. However, in Kayla’s case, the issue did not improve and she has been suffering since a very young age without receiving any treatment. WWE personal experienced one of the horrible dreams that are essentially inevitable in this circumstances.

Kayla revealed, “I’ve had sleep paralysis since I was a kid. Last night, a little girl ran in front of me before plopping on my bed. She just stared at me. I could hear her footsteps and feel her move. It was so real. But I couldn’t move or speak til I forced myself to sit up – then she was gone.”

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