BREAKING: Huge Superstar announced for Steve Austin’s Broken Skull sessions

BREAKING: Huge Superstar announced for Steve Austin’s Broken Skull sessions

Stone Cold's Talk-show

Stone Cold Steve Austin had tremendous two nights at the most stupendous Wrestlemania of all time which was held in the Texas Rattlesnake’s hometown, Texas. The first night saw Steve Austin coming out of retirement to face off Kevin Owens in a No Hold Barred match. Everyone thought this was it from the homeboy until the glasses broke the next day and Steve Austin showed up to stun Vince McMahon and a couple of others, just like old times.

Now that Wrestlemania fever is over, Steve Austin and WWE are back with Austin Broken Skull Sessions and they have announced a big superstar to feature in the newest edition of the podcast.

Cody Rhodes announced for Steve Austin’s Broken Skull sessions

cody rhodes at Steve Austin's broken skull sessions
The American Nightmare to appear at Broken Skull sessions

Along with Steve Austin’s Wrestlemania moments, another big thing that happened at this year’s showcase of immortals was the return of the second generation superstar – The American Nightmare Cody Rhodes who fought Seth Rollins as a surprise opponent. Rhodes was a core part of AEW for a long time after he quit WWE 6 years ago. However, AEW and he couldn’t come to terms on a new deal and Rhodes came back home.

Rhodes made it crystal clear on the very next edition of Monday Night Raw about what made him come back to WWE. He’s back to reclaim what his father Dusty Rhodes rightfully won but couldn’t legitimately keep it due to the champion’s advantage rule. And now, WWE has announced Rhodes to be the guest in the next episode of Steve Austin’s podcast which is all set to premiere next Friday, May 6. The Texas RattleSnake also took it to Twitter to make the revelation official. His tweet can be seen below:

Cody Rhodes is also set to face Seth Rollins in a rematch from their classic at Wrestlemania 38, at Wrestlemania Backlash.

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