“Just give me the ball, and I’ll take it to the house”; When Seth Rollins revealed why he strangled with Vince McMahon for an Intercontinental Championship reign

“Just give me the ball, and I’ll take it to the house”; When Seth Rollins revealed why he strangled with Vince McMahon for an Intercontinental Championship reign

Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins is one of the top WWE superstars in WWE currently. His immense fan following and his in-ring ability is incomparable. His nicknames list the superstars he has defeated. His records and accomplices narrate his whole career and make everyone his fan.

Seth Rollins appeared on Stone Cold Steve Austin’s ‘Broken Skull Sessions’ a few months ago and spoke about how he pitched the idea of becoming the Intercontinental Champion to Vince McMahon after having a heated conversation with him. Here’s what Seth Rollins said:

Seth Rollins and Vince McMahon
Seth Rollins revealed that he had strangled with Vince McMahon for an IC title opportunity

“I know what he’s trying to do. I have all the respect in the world for my boss and for Vince as a person, we have a good relationship, but you’re not going to talk to me like that without me firing back. I fired back at him. We got into a heated discussion, an argument, and I’m like, ‘Look man, just give me the ball and I’ll take it to the house, but you have to give me the opportunity.”

“You put me in a bullsh*t situation where I’m having to fill in these spots and I’m not getting the focus I deserve. Give me the opportunity and you’ll see the guy you want to see. It’s not me. Trust me. I put forth the effort every night. I make every town, I bust my ass for you, don’t give me that sh*t.’”

Seth Rollins revealed that he pitched a huge match to Vince McMahon for WrestleMania 34

Seth Rollins as Intercontinental Champion
Seth Rollins as Intercontinental Champion

Former Universal Champion continued with the conversation with Stone Cold to reveal that he had pitched the idea of a triple threat match for the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania 34. Here’s what he revealed:

“He respects that. He respects when you do that and stand up for yourself. I was like, ‘We’re nowhere with this babyface character. Give me a run as the IC Champion, let’s work to get to Finn, Miz, and Seth at WrestleMania, give me the title, and let me run with it as a babyface. The work rate will get me over, I promise you. It will take the pressure off me, do what you want with the World Title, just let me go out there and have a good time. I promise you, you’re gonna get these people to see who the real guy is.’ That’s what happened.”

YouTube video

“You have to pick your time and place. If I had walked in the door day one and been like, ‘I’m your next World Champ,’ you can’t do that. You have to build equity over time. It’s like any relationship. He gives you a little bit, you do what you can with it, and if you turn it into something, he’s going to respect you. At this point, I’ve been one of his guys for a decade, we have got to have that relationship. If he doesn’t hear it from me, who is he going to hear it from? Not everyone is going to tell him that.”

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