WWE NXT results – 24/03/2021 (Io Shirai in action, Shawn Michaels appears)

WWE NXT results – 24/03/2021 (Io Shirai in action, Shawn Michaels appears)

O'Reilly and Cole

On the last episode of WWE NXT, Danny Burch was injured during his tag team match against Finn Balor and Karrion Kross. As a result, the WWE NXT Tag Team Championship has been vacated.

Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai def. Io Shirai and Zoey Stark

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Gonzalez attacked Shirai

Gonzalez started off the match against Stark. Zoey showed early dominance with her technical prowess. She hit Gonzalez with a running hurricanrana. But she managed to shift the momentum with a clothesline onto Stark. Dakota Kai tagged in, and hit an assisted diving double stomp.

Shirai and Stark took turns wearing down Kai, but a hair pull was enough to give Dakota time to get to her partner. Gonzalez was back in the ring with Stark. Gonzalez was hit by a series of kicks but caught Stark when she went for a running crossbody.

A high Gory Special nearly got a submission victory, but Gonzalez couldn’t keep the grip. Stark rolled and hit Gonzalez with an enziguri. Kai and Shirai tagged in. Shirai hit both her opponents with running knees.

Gonzalez brought her team back into the match. She kicked Shirai off the apron and a powerbomb onto Stark for the win. After the match Gonzalez attacked Shirai and bounced her off with the powerbomb.

Bronson Reed def. LA Knight

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Reed and Knight

Reed tossed Knight around the ring as the match began. He was unable to defend against Reed’s clotheslines, slams, presses and chops.

Knight finally managed to stage a comeback. He hung Reed up in the ropes and slingshot into the big man. Knight focused on weakening the base of Reed, going after his legs and sending him into the steel steps.

Reed went for the Tsunami Splash, but Knight dropped him onto the top rope. Knight looked for the superplex but was sent crashing to the mat by Reed followed by a Tsunami Splash for the win.

Future of WWE NXT Tag Team Championship

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Triple Threat Tag match was announced

It was announced that MSK will face Grizzled Young Veterans and Legado del Fantasma in a Triple Threat match at NXT TakeOver: Stand and Deliver for the Championship. The match will take place on Night 1.

Karrion Kross def. Oney Lorcan

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Kross and Lorcan

Lorcan was filled with rage. But he count attack Kross for long, as he was driven into the plexiglass. Kross drove his forearms and elbows into Lorcan’s skull. Kross nearly took his head off with a lariat and sent him to the ground.

Lorcan escaped an armbar by barely getting the rope break. Lorcan continued to fight back, pelting Kross with his uppercuts. After sending Kross into the ring post, he focused on his shoulder.

Kross avoided the running blockbuster and hit the big boot. The Saito Suplex followed by the elbow to the back of the skull for the win.

Finn Balor’s segment

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Balor and Kross

After his match, Kross mentioned that Balor purposely hit Scarlet last week. Balor came out and interrupted them. He stepped right over Lorcan, as he came down to the ring. Balor mentioned that he had identified Kross’ weakness.

Young men like Kross fought with pure emotion. But experienced fighters like Balor have learnt to control their emotions. Kross’ actions were completely reactionary, and hence, he wont be able to beat Balor.

WALTER def. Drake Maverick

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Ciampa challenged WALTER for the NXT UK title

The NXT UK Champion picked up and slammed Maverick as soon as the match began. He powerbombed Maverick through the mat followed by a single leg Boston Crab for the win.

Tommaso Ciampa walked out. Ciampa mentioned that couple of weeks he mentioned that WALTER intrigued him. But he realized that the NXT UK Championship intrigued him. He challenged him for the Championship.

WALTER shrugged it off and Ciampa slapped him. Aichner and Barthel held Ciampa as WALTER hit a chop onto him. WALTER agreed to the match.

Ember Moon and Shotzi Blackheart def. Aliyah and Mercedes Martinez (retain WWE NXT Women’s Tag Team Championship)

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Blackheart and Moon retained their titles

Martinez replaced Jessi Kamea in the match due to her injury. Moon and Blackheart attacked Mercedes and Robert Stone interfered to break their momentum. Martinez countered with the gutbuster-blockbuster combination.

Moon powerbombed Aliyah onto the mat. She went for the cover but Mercedes broke it up. Blackheart attacked Martinez as Moon hit The Eclipse onto Aliyah for the win.

Jordan Devlin def. Kushida

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Devlin and Kushida

Devlin hit a standing moonsault as the match began followed by a back elbow. But Kushida fought back with a basement dropkick. Kushida wrenched the left arm of Devlin with his legs. Devlin caught Kushida with a springboard moonsault, regaining control of the match.

Kushida was able to turn things around with the springboard back elbow and the wind-up punch. Devlin was stunned but was able to get to the ropes to avoid the Hoverboard Lock. Devlin was distracted by Legado Del Fantasma as they made their way on the ramp.

Devlin sent Kushida into Legado Del Fantasma before rolling him up for the win. Kushida took his frustration out on Legado Del Fantasma. Santos Escobar entered into the ring as both the Cruiserweight Champions went face to face. Shawn Michaels interrupted them.

Shawn Michaels’ segment

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Shawn Michaels announced the Ladder match

Shawn Michaels pulled out a ladder from beneath the ring, slid it in and walked away. The Cruiserweight Championship match between Escobar and Devlin will be a Ladder match at Stand and Deliver.

Adam Cole – Kyle O’Reilly contract signing

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KOR and Adam Cole contract signing

NXT GM William Regal was also present along with the three security guards. He offered them a contract. But KOR was till not cleared to wrestle, so they had to sign the contract that NXT wasn’t responsible for anything that happened to them.

Cole was furious that O’Reilly tried to befriend Finn Balor after getting opportunities at the gold. O’Reilly lost sight of what The Undisputed Era truly was. It was never about friendship or brotherhood. It was about being the best, and Adam Cole believed he was truly the best.

Cole claimed that without him, The Era doesn’t work and O’Reilly doesn’t get to where he is today. He called KOR a sidekick. O’Reilly sold his soul for The Undisputed Era, and now he wanted it back. Cole used his best friends to get to the top and threw them away.

KOR knew that the fans wanted Cole to beaten to a bloody pulp. The security prevented them from getting into a brawl as the show ended.  

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