BREAKING: Vince McMahon gives Seth Rollins a match at WrestleMania 38; opponent to be announced later

Seth Rollins's WrestleMania plans are still uncertain
It has been weeks since Seth Rollins has been trying to find a spot at the most stupendous two night event in WWE history, WrestleMania 38. But the Visionary someway or the other is screwed from his opportunity leading to disappointment not only for him, but for the WWE Universe.

Rollins battled AJ Styles last week on Monday Night Raw which was his last opportunity to go to WrestleMania. If Seth Rollins defeated the Phenomenal One, he would’ve replaced him and faced Edge at the Grandest Stage of them All. But Edge didn’t want it, so he attacked AJ Styles with a steel chair to end the match in disqualification.
This led to Rollins vowing to hijack WrestleMania Raw in Pittsburgh until he got what he wanted. Rollins created some carnage in the end which led to Raw ending and the question looming around everyone’s mind as to what would happen on WrestleMania Raw. But before anything could happen, Vince McMahon summoned Rollins for a meeting at the WWE headquarters which Rollins tweeted to announce.
What happened when Seth Rollins met Vince McMahon at the WWE Headquarters?
Though Rollins was to meet Vince at 9.00 AM, he reached the headquarters at 6.47 AM eagerly waiting to meet the Boss and see what he had in store for the Visionary. When Rollins met McMahon, the Boss was shocked because Rollins sat down with his legs on the table of the Chairman.
Rollins asked Vince if he was set to fine the Visionary or simply fire him when Vince broke out and said he didn’t call the former WWE Champion to fire him. Instead, he called him to say that ‘Seth Freakin Rollins is going to WrestleMania’ which led to Rollins running around McMahon’s office and then standing on his table. When asked about his opponent, McMahon said that his opponent would be a superstar of the Chairman’s choosing.