3 Characters you should avoid using in Free Fire Bermuda map
Characters to avoid using in the Bermuda Map
Free Fire is a popular battle royale game that offers players a range of in-game characters. It has around 35 characters to choose from. Every character has its own unique abilities in the game except Primis and Nulla. Although every character has a special ability, it is always recommended that players use the right mix of characters to clutch matches. That is why we take a look at the 3 characters players must avoid using on the Bermuda Map.
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3 Characters to avoid using on Bermuda Map
1. Antonio
Antonio is one of the oldest yet popular characters in Free Fire. It has a passive ability named “Gangster Spirit” which increases the maximum HP of players in the initial round. The drawback of this character is that players can not use this skill in full map modes like Bermuda Map.
The character skill is only applicable in modes like Clash Squad, Gun King and TDMs. Also, the character cannot contribute much when it comes to early fights and rank pushing.
2. Wolfrah
Wolfrah is a stylish looking character in Free Fire. He has some unique looks with blue hair and is a game streamer as well. However, when it comes to the in-game abilities, he is a step behind. His skill activates only when players gain kills. In the Bermuda Map where kills come by rarely, Wolfrah may not be a wise option.
Wolfrah skills are pretty impressive but can only be enabled if he secure kills. It is highly recommended that players avoid using Wolfrah if they wish to push ranks. They can instead opt for characters like DJ Alok and K.
3. Kla
Kla is yet another popular character in the battle royale game. He possesses a passive in-game ability. His ability increases the damage from fists by upto 400%. This skill is most effective in Clash Squad modes where players usually engage in fist fights.
Although many use him for locations like Factory Top, he might not prove to be efficient in the longer run and for full map modes. Unless players engage in fist fights, this skill is totally unnecessary. This was the list of the 3 characters players must look to avoid while playing on the Bermuda Map.
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Jeffin John
(154 Articles Published)