Apex Legends Mobile Agents And Abilities You Need To Know About
Here's everything you should know about Apex Legends Mobile legends and their abilities.

Apex Legends Mobile
EA recently announced Apex Legends Mobile, and fans could not wait to try the Battle Royale classic on mobile. After the much anticipated wait, the publishers have finally made Apex Legends Mobile available for beta testing.
The two regions selected for the beta are India and the Philippines. These two areas have the most flourishing and rising mobile gaming communities. Here we will discuss the Apex Legends Mobile Agents and their abilities in the beta release.
Apex Legends Mobile Agents And Their Abilities
Players should know the character’s ability to stay ahead of their opponents. Every Legend brings something valuable to the team in the form of skills and abiities, and any squad combo is viable.
Here’s a complete overview on all mobile agents in Apex Legends along with their abilities.

Wattson is a starter agent in Apex Legends Mobile. Her passive skill is known as “Spark of Genius”. It can be helpful for players and their teams in a desperate situation, as this skill lets her use an Ultimate Accelerant to fully charge up her ultimate. While the Ultimate Accelerant can charge up other Legend’s ultimate, it rarely fully charges it.
Her Ultimate skill “Interception Pylon” isn’t just useful for defensive plays either. One of the abilities of Interception Pylon is that it also restores shields. The Interception Pylon, can destroy incoming grenades, arc stars and thermite, as well as ultimate abilities such as Gibraltar and Bangalore’s air strikes.

Bangalore is the demolition expert who knows how to cover her team when ambushed. Her ultimate is useful while clearing out a large number of hostiles on the map.
Bangalore’s Passive ability “Double Time” is one of the most reliable and useful Passive abilities of any character. A flat 30% speed boost when you are hit or when shots are fired nearby is tremendously powerful both for escaping danger and repositioning for a flank attack.
The tactical ability is “Smoke Launcher” that gives you have two charges with your Smoke Launcher – you can see next to your Tactical ability icon that there are two bars which indicate your current number of charges. Each of these charges are expended and refilled independently, and with each use, you fire a grenade that explodes on impact into a large screen of smoke lasting around 20 seconds.
Bangalore’s Ultimate ability “Raging Thunder” allows her to throw a canister a considerable distance away from her. Where the canister lands, rockets will rain down in a zig-zag pattern across a large area, spreading out in the direction thrown. After 4 seconds, each rocket that has buried itself into the landscape will explode, stunning and dealing 40 damage to any enemy hit (or yourself).
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Octane has access to three abilities; one Passive, which is always in effect; one Tactical ability, and one Ultimate ability which requires charging over time.
Octane’s passive ability is “Swift Mend” which is simple and very useful Passive that regenerates 1 Health (just Health) every second. If you’re damaged, there’s a few seconds’ delay before the heal will reactivate.
Stim is Octane’s absolute useful tactical ability. Each use sacrifices 10 Health for 6 seconds of greatly increased speed. It’s on an extremely low cooldown because the main tradeoff is health, so you are able to spend much of your time Stimming as long as you’re not afraid of having low Health a lot of the time.
Octane’s ultimate “Launch Pad” is a fairly straightforward mobility-focused Ultimate; when activated, you’ll throw down a Launch Pad in front of you much like Gibraltar’s Dome (though you can actually throw the Launch Pad surprisingly far), and after that the Launch Pad persists and can be used by anyone, friend or foe alike. Jumping on the Pad will launch you into the air in the direction you were moving, and while in the air you can double-jump once to gain even more distance.

Also known as the controller of the team, Caustic is the only Apex Legends Mobile agent who uses his smoke to confuse the enemy. The Gas Trap and the Gas Grenade can be lethal if enemies do not rotate early on.
Caustic’s “Nox Vision” is his passive ability which allows him to be so deadly inside his own Nox Gas. Aside from being immune to the damage and other effects of the gas, Nox Vision lights up any enemies that are currently being damaged by your Nox Gas.
Caustic’s tactical ability “Nox Gas Trap” is something that players really should think of when they think of what Caustic brings to the team. These large canisters can be dropped a short distance in front of players, and can be activated after a moment either by proximity (i.e. if an enemy is close enough to it) or by being shot, either by the player, a teammate, or an enemy. Once activated, these traps will spray out a cloud of toxic Nox Gas around it.
“Nox Gas Grenade” is the ultimate ability and as one might expect from the name; you throw a grenade, and it explodes on impact into a large cloud of Nox Gas, about twice the diameter of a regular Nox Gas Trap. The gas from the Ultimate deals 5 damage per tick just like gas from the Nox Gas Traps.

Wraith is the rotational expert in Apex Legends Mobile. This legend can be used in various ways in Apex Legends Mobile as the agent can be used to play both aggressively and passively.
Wraith’s passive skill, “Voices from the Void“, means a female voice will whisper a warning to you when it sees a nearby threat. This could be an enemy aiming at you with a sniper, or a nearby Caustic Nox Gas trap.
Wraith’s Tactical ability “Into The Void” sends her into a parallel dimension for 3 seconds, allowing her to move at 30% increased speed, and avoiding all damage. While active, you can run, slide, and climb, but you cannot shoot. You also cannot see other players while it is active; and from other players’ perspective, you will appear as a trail of blue lines, which means you are not totally invisible while you are phasing.
Wraith’s Ultimate ability “Dimensional Rift“, is an extremely effective method both of initiating and escaping as a team. When you use your Ultimate, you will immediately place a rift where you are standing; and then you can move to a different location within medium range to place your second portal. You can choose where to place your second portal, but as you move you will use up “Rift Energy” – and once this reaches 0% you will automatically place the portal at your current location.
This is the list of Apex Legends Mobile agents and their abilities as of now. We expect to see more new agents as well as improved versions of agents as well.
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