Badge 99’s Free Fire ID, Total subscribers, Monthly Income, Channel views, and more

In the past years, Free Fire got a huge boost in viewership and content creation. With this boost, many talented young and talented Free Fire creators made their presence evident in the Indian Free Fire scene. Badge 99’s Free Fire Youtube channel makes him one of those huge content creators of the Indian Free Fire community.

Badge 99’s Free Fire ID
Badge 99’s Free Fire ID is 317768081.
Lifetime Stats
As of now Badge 99 has played 8420 squad games and has 1458 wins, with a win rate of 17.31%. He has 22559 kills in these matches, with a K/D ratio of 3.24.
In duo mode, he got 186 victories in the 1994 matches that he has played, making his win rate 9.32%. He got 4330 foes at a K/D ratio of 2.39 in this mode.
Badge 99 played 1145 solo games and won on 84 of them, keeping a win rate of 7.33%. With 2822 kills in these matches, he has a K/D ratio of 2.66.

Ranked Stats
At this date Badge 99 has played 351 squad matches in the current ranked season and has 27 Booyahs, making his win rate 7.69%. He got 1044 kills at a K/D ratio of 3.22 in these matches.
Badge 99 haven’t played any ranked solo and duo in this ranked season.

Badge 99’s Youtube
Badge 99 started his Youtube journey on 8 Jan 2016. As of now, this young content creator has 5.45M subscribers on his youtube channel. All his youtube videos got a combined 541,826,207 views.
Badge 99’s Monthly Income
Badge 99 is part of an esports organization called XO. Excluding all the brand promotions and salary, according to Social Blade, this Free Fire player makes an estimated $17.8K – $284.4K every month.

Social Handles
Here is Badge 99’s other active social handles.
On Facebook Badge 99 got 27,971 likes and 66,928 followers.
On badge_99 Instagram handle, he got 265k followers as of now.
You can join his Discord server and interact with him right now.
Also Read: What is BR mode in Free Fire, Here is All You Need to Know