Battlegrounds Mobile India: Best place to find snipers in Erangel map BGMI

Snipers in Erangel map
Amongst all the other attractive features of the game,players are obsessed with snipers. This article has brought out the best place to find snipers in Erangel map BGMI. The range of snipers available in the game is pretty awestrucking. A variety of snipers are available ranging from Bolt Action Sniper Rifles to Automatic Sniper Rifles
When it comes to popularity, Bolt Action Snipers are much preferred by the players, but finding them out in a match often gets troublesome. In this article a few places has been shortlisted where snipers are available in abundance.
Best place to find snipers in Erangel map BGMI
1. Air Drops

Air drops are dropped from the aeroplane in the match for almost five times. The location of the air drops is unpredictable, it can land on unusual places such as the top of the tree or at top of the building but they generally land on the ground. One can recognise from far places as red smoke comes out from the air drop. Snipers in Erangel map BGMI like AWM, M24 (XT) which is an enhanced version of M24 could be found in the air drops.
Related: Battlegrounds Mobile India: Best Snipers in BGMI
2. Special drops (Flare gun drops)

Snipers can also be found in a special supply crate drop which we can get by firing flare gun towards the sky. Flare guns are rare and a yellow smoke comes out from the flare gun drops. Players can get snipers like AWM, MK14 which are highly powerful snipers in the game.
3. Georgopol

Players can also find snipers in Georgopol which is located at the extreme left corner of the map. There is an abundance of snipers like KAR98K, Mini14, SKS in Georgo city as well as containers. Squads engage with the enemies at Georgo city where there are many high apartments. As a result, using a sniper here provides an advantage to the players.
4. Pochinki

Pochinki is one of the largest and most populated city of Erangel. Since many houses are tightly packed, there is an abundance of weapons in Pochinki including Snipers. Automatic Sniper Rifles like Mini14, SLR, SKS are easily available here. The newly added sniper, Mosig Nagant Sniper Rifle can also be found in Pochinki.
Snipers are spreaded unevenly in the map but these are some of the best places to find snipers in Erangel map BGMI.
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