“When they see the checks cashing,” Colby Covington has ZERO REGRET for trash-talking rivals’ family during fight build-up

Colby Covington does not regret any of his former statements that may be termed controversial.

“When they see the checks cashing,” Colby Covington has ZERO REGRET for trash-talking rivals’ family during fight build-up

Colby Covington does not regret his statements (Image via Imago)

UFC welterweight Colby Covington is unapologetic when it comes to building up a fight. He recently talked about his controversial statements during fight promotions and Colby does not seem to mind it at all. And according to him, neither do the people on the opposite end. Here is what he said about his trash-talking and how it affects people:

Colby Covington recently sat down for an interview with The Hodgetwins on the Twins Pod. There he talked about his reputation, upcoming fights, and potential run for governor. During this discussion, one of the hosts asked Covington if he had ever said anything regrettable. He replied:

You know, the things I've said have made other people a lot of money. They can hate me but when they see the checks they are cashing in their bank account they're like 'Oh yeah you know, Colby was he was okay for saying that'."
Colby Covington via The Hodgetwins on the Twins Pod
YouTube video

Chaos recently faced a lot of pushback from the media, the general public, and the MMA community for his comments about Leon Edwards‘ father. Even UFC CEO Dana White who is all for free speech in his promotion disapproved of his statements.

FS Video

Covington is open to the consequences of his comments when it comes to building up fights. He said his opponents are free to do whatever they want when they are locked inside the octagon. However, he is trying to make these fights as big as possible to make as much money as he can.

Donald Trump wants Colby Covington to run for Congress or Senator

Colby Covington and Donald Trump have shared a public relationship of mutual respect and admiration. Covington has been a vocal supporter of Trump for which he has faced his fair share of backlash. Meanwhile, Trump even invited Covington to the White House when he was President and was present at his most recent fight at UFC 296.

Donald Trump Colby Covington
Donald Trump and Colby Covington ( Image via X )

One of the hosts asked Covington what he wanted to do after the UFC. Covington had an interesting reply to this. He said:

I talked to Trump a couple of times, he thinks I should run for Congress or Senator. If AOC can do Congress I can do Congress man… I don’t know maybe even Governor of Florida-type stuff. You know, Governor Colby sounds pretty cool.

Colby Covington via The Hodgetwins on the Twins Pod

This is not the first time Covington has expressed his political aspirations post-UFC. If the former interim champion does step in for Governor of Florida, it will be one interesting campaign to watch.

In case you missed it!