Different Roles In Valorant Explained

Valorant has been the latest addition to the pinnacle of competitive fps games. It meets at a sweet spot between Counter-Strike and Overwatch by taking elements from both games. It takes its attacker vs defender, plant vs defuse the bomb game mode elements from Counter-Strike while also containing a cast of lethal characters that resemble Overwatch. Each character has 4 unique abilities and plays a specific role in the composition of the team. A team with perfectly composed roles played by suitable players is almost unbeatable in any scenario. But what are these roles and what kind of players are best suited to play them. Join us as we explore them. These are the Different roles in Valorant Explained:

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Different Roles In Valorant Explained

Duelists are one of the most important roles to play in a perfectly composed team in Valorant. They are able to get entry frags because of their self-sufficient abilities, which means they usually do not require the help of their teammates to get entry picks or frags. Duelists are usually assigned to clear a site or get an entry into one, while also giving valuable early-round info before their death. Most Duelists usually have short-range and fast-paced abilities that help them get 1 or 2 quick picks. The duelist role is usually played by the star fragger of the team.
The different Duelists in Valorant are: Reyna, Yoru, Jett, Phoenix and Raze

A Sentinel role is a kind that you see in almost every team as they are significant to a team. Their abilities can make or break rounds and totally change the whole direction of a round or even a match. They are used to hold down sites, stop rushes, cover flanks or gain information. They aren’t usually expected to frag a lot since their abilities usually are very slow-paced and quiet but important. The Sentinel role is usually played by the in-game leader (IGL) of the team.
The different Sentinels in Valorant are: Sage, Killjoy and Cypher

Controllers are a very important role to be played in the team. Their abilities rely on helping the team to enter the site, take control of it and play the post-plant on the attack side or a more laid back style on the defensive, where their job is to take control of choke points and prevent enemies from gaining map control. They are the secondary fraggers of the team and usually enter into the site after the duelist or oftentimes even along with them. They act or play based on the info provided to them by the duelist of the team. They make for good lurkers. Their abilities are moderately paced. The controller role is usually played by aggressive support players as it is an active support role
The different Controllers in Valorant are: Omen, Astra, Brimstone and Viper

The initiator role in a team is overlooked most of the time despite it being one of the more significant roles on the team. The initiator abilities are slower paced and laid back. They usually help in site scouting/recon and crowd control. Initiators of the team gain information before the execute is done so that the execute can be altered accordingly. During post plants, they are usually paired with another initiator or a Sentinel to watch the flanks. The initiator role is a more passive support style played by more defensive support players of the team.
The different Initiators in Valorant are: Breach, Skye and Sova.
Those were the different roles in Valorant. A good team must comprise each of these roles in the hands of their best players to be used to the maximum. A good team with good players playing each of these roles can easily beat the competition
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