DJ Alok character in Free Fire: Everything you need to know.

DJ Alok character in Free Fire: Everything you need to know.

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Garena Free Fire is widely known for the wide range of skins, outfits, and characters it offers. The game offers over 30 different characters, each with their own abilities except Adam and Eve. The players can choose any of these characters bases on their gameplay and purpose.

However, there is one special in-game character in Free Fire which is widely picked up by players- DJ Alok. In the given article, you will get all the information needed about this popular character.

Everything to know about DJ Alok character in Free Fire

DJ Alok character in Free Fire

The reason behind the popularity of this character is his ability called Drop the Beat. When this is used, it creates a 5m aura that increases ally movement speed by 10% and replenishes 5 HP for 5 seconds.

Besides that, with the increase in the level of this character, there comes an increase in its abilities too. At the maximum stage, it creates an aura of 5m which increases ally movement speed by 15% and restores 5 HP for 10 seconds.

Im addition to this, DJ Alok character has an another exclusive character set which can be acquired from the in-game store. This exclusive set is called Beat Composer.

DJ Alok also has an exclusive character set that the users can acquire from the in-game store. The name of the set is Beat Composer.

How to obtain DJ Alok character?

DJ Alok character in Free Fire

Since the character is very popular and has a lot of top qualities, its price is a little high. It will coat you 599 diamonds.

Here are some simple steps to purchase DJ Alok character in Free Fire.

  • Log in to your Free Fire account and click on the Store icon.
  • Click on the ‘Character’ tab and look for DJ Alok.
  • After this click on the purchase button and confirm the purchase.

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