Doggie Emote in Free Fire: Best Emote in the Free Fire History?

Doggie Emote in Free Fire: Best Emote in the Free Fire History?

Have you ever wondered why a lot of Free Fire fans are so desperate about the emotes in the game? Emotes are nothing but a dancing movement of the Free Fire characters and pets. If you have any premium emote, you can show it off in the lobby. Doggie Emote in Free Fire is another popular emote to try in the game. The price of the emote is not pretty high but is one of the rarest emotes to get in the battle royale game.

Doggie Emote in Free Fire in the Latest Free Fire OB27 Update

Doggie Emote in Free Fire
Doggie Emote in Free Fire

The Doggie emote in Free Fire is one of the rarest emotes to try your luck to. It was first launched at the Emote Party event. The most attractive part of the emote is the puppy standing beside. You can joy around dancing with the puppy along.

The emote was first released on the global servers. Later, as per the demands, the emote was launched for the Indian fans. You can normally draw it with just 19 diamonds. However, the super draw will cost you exactly 199 diamonds.

FS Video
YouTube video

The Emote Party event took place in the month of August 2020. As per the official information, here’s some glimpse of the event rules.

  1. There were two types of ‘draws’ in the event: Normal Draw and Super Draw.
  2. The prize pool had consisted of normal prizes, normal emotes & legendary emotes.
  3. Under the Normal draw, players could spin the entire prize pool.
  4. Under the Super draw, players could spin for normal + legendary emotes only.
  5. On the fifth Super draw, the legendary ‘Doggie’ emote would be guaranteed. There was a chance of winning this emote before the fifth draw, and in the Normal Draw as well.
  6. After every subsequent fifth Super draw, a random unowned legendary emote would be guaranteed.
  7. This counter resets every time a legendary emote had won via the Super draw.
  8. If a legendary emote had achieved via Normal draw, the counter for Super draw could not reset.
  9. You could easily get a discount on both the first Normal and Super draw.

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