How to find the End Portal in Minecraft?

How to find the End Portal in Minecraft?

How to find the End Portal in Minecraft?

Minecraft is a sand-box game but it also has an end-goal that the players can complete, to successfully finish the game. In this article we inform the players about the End Portal in Minecraft, which is required to finish the game.

Minecraft is an open world sand box adventure game where imagination is the limit for the players. With a variety of things to do, players often play the game to go on adventures. The game has no proper ending but players can get the ending screen by defeating the Ender Dragon.

And to do so, players must first find the End Portal in Minecraft.

End Portal in Minecraft: How to find it in Survival?

End Portal in Minecraft
End Portal in Minecraft

Survival Minecraft is by far the most popular mode, where players try to make their own stories through the adventures they go through.

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Players can try to get to the end of the game by defeating the Ender Dragon in Minecraft. However, the Ender Dragon lives in another dimension called the End and to travel to that place, players need to locate the End Portal. The End portal is a naturally occurring structure and there are only 4 in the entire world.

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YouTube: EKGaming

The main reason to locate it is because, in Survival Minecraft, players cannot craft the blocks that the End Portal is created with. There is no possible way to make a End Portal in survival mode and therefore players must find them in their world.

This might get tricky as they are located deep underground in Strongholds and are very scarce.

How to find it?

End Portal in Minecraft
End Portal in Minecraft
  • The easiest way to find it is through obtaining Ender pearls and letting them show the way. Ender Pearls can be obtained by killing Endermen in Minecraft.
  • Throwing a Ender Pearl will allow it to travel a certain distance in a particular direction, after which it will land. Players can keep throwing the pearl until it rests on the same spot twice.
  • Players can then dig around the place to locate the Stronghold.
  • Players can find the End Portal in Minecraft in this Stronghold.

Players need to be careful as a silverfish spawner sits near the Portal room.

How to activate the End Portal?

End Portal in Minecraft
The End Dimension
  • Players need Eye of Enders to activate the End Portal. A certain number of pearls are already set and players need to fill out the rest to open the Portal.
  • Players can then jump inside it to travel to the End Dimension.

But you better be prepared because defeating the Ender Dragon is small task!

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