How to get Clayman’s Harpoon in Elden Ring

The weapon is known to be incredibly versatile.

How to get Clayman’s Harpoon in Elden Ring

The Clayman’s Harpoon is a highly sought-after weapon in the Elden Ring due to its versatility and ability to deal both physical and magical damage. Obtaining this weapon requires some effort and strategy, as it involves locating specific enemies and maximizing item discovery. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to acquire the Clayman’s Harpoon and unleash its power in your Elden Ring adventures.

Before embarking on your journey to obtain the Clayman’s Harpoon, it is crucial to make adequate preparations. Equip the Silver Scarab Talisman and consume a Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot, as these items significantly boost your item discovery rate. This will increase the chances of the weapon dropping when you defeat the Clayman enemies.

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Where to find the Clayman’s Harpoon in Elden Ring

Elden Ring

The Clayman enemies can be found in the underground regions of the Ainsel River and Siofra River. Two locations are recommended for farming the Clayman’s Harpoon. These locations are the ruins near Siofra River Well Depths and the Uhl Palace Ruins, south of Ainsel River Main. Choosing the area near the Siofra River is advisable, as the enemies there are set at a lower level than those in Ainsel River, making it easier for farming.

Start your farming journey by heading to the Site of Grace near the lift of Siofra River Well. From there, head northeast toward the brightly lit ruins. Inside, you will come across multiple Clayman enemies wielding the Harpoon. Engage in combat and defeat them to increase your chances of obtaining the weapon. Once you have cleared the area, use fast travel to return to the Grace point and repeat the process. To expedite the farming process, consider using burst-AoE abilities or wide-reaching attacks. These skills allow you to eliminate multiple enemies at once, rather than taking them down individually. By doing so, you can complete the farming more efficiently and increase your chances of obtaining the Clayman’s Harpoon.

Obtaining the Clayman’s Harpoon may require patience and persistence. The weapon does not drop easily, and RNG factors play a role in its acquisition. If you are not having any luck in the ruins, head to the waterfall near the lift to the upper level of the region. Here, you can find additional Clayman enemies to defeat in your pursuit of the weapon.

The Clayman’s Harpoon in Elden Ring is a versatile weapon capable of dealing physical and magical damage. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can increase your chances of obtaining this coveted weapon.

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