How to get the Rock Sling spell in Elden Ring

The Rock Sling spell is one of the most powerful in Elden Ring.

How to get the Rock Sling spell in Elden Ring

Elden Ring is known for its vast open world and intricate gameplay mechanics. One of the exciting aspects of the game is the diverse range of spells available to magic users. Among these spells, Rock Sling stands out as a unique and powerful ability that allows players to pummel enemies with magically propelled rocks. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to acquire the Rock Sling spell and unleash its devastating force upon your foes.

To begin your quest for Rock Sling, you must venture to the eastern section of the Elden Ring map. You can start your journey from either the Heart of Aoenia site of grace or the Inner Aoenia site of grace. Prepare yourself for the challenges that lie ahead and ensure that you have the necessary equipment and abilities to navigate the treacherous terrain.

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Where to Rock Sling in Elden Ring

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From your starting point, head west along the shallow lake of scarlet rot. It is advisable to traverse this area on horseback to minimize the risk of scarlet rot buildup. As you progress, keep an eye out for giant flying bugs, which serve as indicators that you are moving in the right direction. Continuing your journey, you will eventually come across a series of destroyed buildings amid the scarlet rot.

These ruins harbor the key to unlocking the Rock Sling spell. However, be prepared to face the Servants of Rot within the buildings.

Inside the ruined buildings, you will encounter the Servants of Rot. While individually they may not pose a significant threat, their collective presence can lead to rot buildup. The Servants of Rot attack by shooting poison darts, which contribute to a status bar on your character. Swiftly dispatch these enemies, as they have low health, or opt to avoid them altogether. Within the ruined buildings, search for a central structure with a staircase descending towards what was once the southeastern corner of the building. Follow the path of stairs down to a small room.

Here, you will find a chest that contains the coveted Rock Sling spell.

How to use Rock Sling

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Now that you possess the Rock Sling spell, it’s time to harness its power. To utilize Rock Sling effectively, you must allocate one slot for memorization, have 18 intelligence, and allocate 18 FP for each cast. When cast, Rock Sling summons rocks in front of the caster, propelling them toward the targeted enemy at a medium distance.

Unlike other spells, Rock Sling combines physical and magical damage due to its gravity-based nature. The spell launches three large rocks in the general direction of the target, making it ideal for crowd control. Each rock inflicts individual damage, providing a versatile option for magic users seeking to diversify their offensive capabilities.

For players who enjoy using Rock Sling frequently, wielding the Meteorite Staff can provide additional benefits. The Meteorite Staff enhances the damage output of Rock Sling, as it is specifically designed to synergize with gravity spells. By combining Rock Sling with the Meteorite Staff, you can maximize your damage potential, especially against groups of enemies. This combination becomes particularly potent when clearing large numbers of foes that gather closely together, allowing you to maintain a safe distance by utilizing horseback mobility.

Obtaining the Rock Sling spell in Elden Ring is a challenging but rewarding endeavor. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you will unlock this powerful ability, enabling you to rain down devastation upon your enemies with magically propelled rocks. Remember to experiment with different strategies and synergies, such as pairing Rock Sling with the Meteorite Staff, to fully utilize the spell’s potential.

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