How to support Milio in League of Lengends Season 13
A guide to using Milio's Ultra Mega Fire Kick in League of Legends.

League of Legends Season 13 is introducing a new champion, Milio, to the game. As a support champion, Milio is expected to offer a unique playstyle compared to other champions in the role. This article will provide a complete guide to supporting Milio in League of Legends season 13, covering everything from runes to itemization and gameplay. It’s important to note that Milio’s kit is primarily built to provide great value against Crowd Control-heavy team compositions. This makes him a valuable and highly contested pick in the game.
When it comes to runes, the best setup for Milio in Season 13 is the Guardian setup. Resolve is the primary rune tree, which grants access to Guardian. This rune tree is ideal for mages and enchanters. For itemization, enchanter support items provide the best value for Milio and his kit. Moonstone Renewer is arguably the best mythic item for Milio, while Redemption is his most suitable Legendary item. When playing Milio, it’s important to remember to utilize his passive, Fired Up!. Milio’s Q, Ultra Mega Fire Kick, should be used primarily as an escape tool and in emergency situations. While his W, Cozy Campfire, and E, Warm Hugs, should be utilized during game.
In terms of gameplay, it’s best to stick with the team’s primary carry and prioritize vision in crucial team fights and skirmishes. Milio is one of the few support champions that can truly buff a team’s true carry. Supporting Milio in League of Legends Season 13 requires a specific rune setup and itemization. This also focuses on utilizing his unique kit to enhance the team’s carry. By following these guidelines, players can unlock Milio’s full potential and become a valuable asset to their team.
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Milio’s Q ability: How to use ultra mega fire kick in League of Legends

Milio is the newest champion to be introduced in League of Legends Season 13, and his unique kit offers a different playstyle for the support role. One of his abilities, Ultra Mega Fire Kick (Q), is an essential tool for Milio players to master. In this subarticle, we will guide you on how to use Ultra Mega Fire Kick in League of Legends Season 13.
trade, or even bait enemies into making mistakes. When using Ultra Mega Fire Kick offensively, Milio players should aim to kick an enemy towards their ADC. Another way to use Ultra Mega Fire Kick is to kick enemies away from Milio’s ADC or away from yourself if you are being targeted. This allows Milio to create distance between himself and the enemy, allowing him to regroup with his team or reposition himself during a team fight.
Ultra Mega Fire Kick is an essential ability for Milio players to master in League of Legends Season 13. It is primarily an escape tool, but it can also be used offensively to poke, trade, or even bait enemies. Milio players should be cautious when using this ability and conserve it for emergency situations or when an ally jungler is ganking their lane. By mastering this ability, Milio players can enhance their playstyle and become a valuable asset to their team
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