Locations of the Republic chests in Fortnite x Star Wars “Find the Force” quest
Locate the Republic chests and get the DC-15 rifle in Fortnite Chater 4 Season 2.

Fortnite Republic Chests (Epic Games)
Fortnite x Star Wars is live, and admirers of the game will get to enjoy more of it until May 23. In the new crossover, players get to try out various new outfits and skins, guns and augments, and hunt for Republic chests. If you get lucky and come across one of these, then we might get the chance to obtain a DC-15 Blaster Rifle.
However, locating a Republic chest in the vast open map of Fortnite can be challenging if you are not aware of where to look. Follow this guide and get your hands on some of the best that Fortnite x Star Wars “Find the Force” quests have to offer.
This is not the first time Star Wars characters have graced the Fortnite surface. Previously, Darth Vader, The Mandalorian, Han Solo, and Princess Leia made an appearance in the game.
How to locate Republic Chests in Fortnite

To locate the Republic chests, players must track down Republic outposts first. In layman’s terms, these outposts look like white tents from afar. Players can come across them in the following locations:
- Slappy Shores
- Shattered Slabs
- Brutal Bastion
- Frenzy Fields
Moreover, players should stick to the southwest corner of the map, where these outposts can be found in abundance. If you take a closer look at the map provided, you can see box-like icons indicating the locations of the Republic Chests.

Source Epic Games
When you deploy during a Battle Royale match, it is best to drop near one of the marked locations. Then find the nearby outpost and head inside. There will be a chest with a Black Republic logo on top. You just need to open the chest by ‘interacting’ with it. As a result, you will receive a DC-15 Blaster rifle.
What are some of the rewards in the “Find the Force” quest?

Image Source: Epic Games
Apart from the Republic chests, the new Star Wars collaboration will give players the chance to gain Force abilities. Players just need to choose whom they want to train under. If they prefer Obi-Wan Kenobi, then players will gain the ability to push objects and players away. On top of that, they will receive the Green Jedi Padwan lightsaber.
Moreover, if Obi-wan is not to your liking, then train under Anakin Skywalker. This will allow players to gain the ability to pull objects and players with the Force. Additionally, you will receive a blue lightsaber as a melee weapon.
However, if the Jedi do not tickle your fancy, then try leaning toward the dark side. You can choose Darth Maul as your master and learn how to lift objects from the environment and throw them at players. Besides that, players will get the Red Sith Apprentice Lightsaber.
Apart from these, players may stand a chance to get Clone Trooper skins from the free rewards pack. Additionally, you can buy the Premium Rewards Pack by spending 1,000 V Bucks. This will give you the chance to earn the Darth Maul skin. Moreover, you will get a Pack Trooper outfit and Ashoka’s Clone Trooper outfit.
As previously mentioned players have ample time on their hands to complete these missions as the deadline is May 23. So, suit up and deploy to use the Force in the battle royale game mode.
In case you missed it:
- Does Darth Vader appear in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor?
- How to find and get Jedi robes in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor?