Most Liked GTA San Andreas Characters

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GTA San Andreas takes place in the city of Los Santos, which is a real life imitation of Los Angeles. The story has locations from real life famous places from the United States, like Las Vegas and Los Angeles. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is the first game in the GTA 3D universe to give the protagonist the ability to drive planes and bicycles and to swim. Players love this game for these features, aside from the very funny one-liners and jokes by the characters. The characters in this game are absolutely funny and make the gameplay even more enjoyable.
In this article, we have listed down our top picks for the best characters in GTA San Andreas.
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Best Characters in GTA San Andreas
5. Truth
According to some players, Truth is the weirdest player in the entire game. Truth is a hippie, who smokes almost all the time, has tons of drug-like substances growing right behind his shack, can apparently teleport on top of planes and also any place that he likes. He always smokes weed but is never seen doing so in the game. He is a huge space-geek and talks a lot about the space. A lot of things that he talks about in the game actually make sense. He is a trustworthy character who acts as a great help to Carl Johnson in the game.

4. Rider
Although some players claim that Rider is a big cheater as he is Carl’s homie and still betrays him and has to be killed in the game, yet he is a very good friend of Carl who has helped him a lot in the past. He is the biggest weed addict in the game and gets manipulated by Tenpenny, a corrupt police officer. Even though he does not portray good behaviors, GTA players love the way he looks, walks and talks. He is a real gangster in the game.

3. Big Smoke
Big Smoke is probably the first player that pop up in gamers’ head when they think about GTA San Andreas. Smoke is not as goofy as any other Carl Johnson’s homies. He has a very funny and deep voice, something that people love and still get irritated about. He has some of the best cutscenes in the game, like the very infamous big food order. He is a traitor who betrays Carl Johnson and always looks for an easy way out. He is a drug baron who got on top of other people who once trusted him.

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2. Mike Toreno
Everything Mike Toreno makes complete sense in the game. He is a sensible, amazing and knows how to speak, when to speak and when to keep his mouth shut. He has a good control on his words which manipulates Carl Johnson into doing his dirty work. He initially seems like a very untrustworthy traitor who is trying to use CJ for his own good, but it all changes in his last cutscene where he finally rewards CJ and helps out CJ like nobody in the game does.

1. Wu Zi Mu
Wu Zi Mu, better known as Woozie in the game is a great talker and a great leader. He has a huge team under him and has massive respect. He can be goofy and stupid in some cutscenes but is a true friend of Carl Johnson. He is the great help in the game which makes Carl Johnson get his revenge.

Carl trusts Woozie and also gets his help in the final heist even though he is blind. Woozie is the perfect combination of silly and serious.
These are some of the best characters in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. Every side character in the game adds up some value to the game and helps in graduating of the protagonist.
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