5 best ways to use Copper in Minecraft

Copper plays a vital role in the world of Minecraft. It can be used to craft multiple items.

5 best ways to use Copper in Minecraft

Copper is one of the most common ores in Minecraft. It was added to Minecraft with the Caves and Cliffs update in 2021. It can be found all across the Overworld. Copper ores mainly appear six times every chunk in groups ranging from 0 to 16 and in layers ranging from 0 to 96, with layers 47 and 48 being the most frequent in the Java Edition. You can find an appreciable amount of copper in beach biomes.

There are a few precautions to keep in mind when mining, smelting, and crafting with copper, foremost among them being the fact that it oxidizes and turns bluish-green. It has multiple uses in Minecraft and players can use it however they want.

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Here are some great uses of copper in Minecraft. These tips can assist users in getting the most out of Copper and having a wonderful gaming experience. It is also a crucial component for Minecraft to have.

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Top 5 uses of copper in Minecraft

1. Copper ingots

Top 5 uses of copper in Minecraft
(Image via Mojang Studios)

When you mine copper, you will find copper in its raw form. To craft anything using copper, you first need to smelt the ore into copper ingots. You can smelt copper ore in a normal furnace or a blast furnace using any fuel source like wood, coal, charcoal, etc. You need to place fuel in the bottom left slot and copper ore in the top left slot while using a furnace. Now, wait until the arrow bar fills up and the smelting process finishes up. Now you can take out copper ingots formed by smelting raw copper ore. It can be used to craft a lightning rod, spyglass, brush, and most important of them all, copper blocks. You can also get copper ingots by killing mobs. When you kill a drowned mob, there’s an 11% chance that it will drop copper ingots

2. Copper Blocks

Top 5 uses of copper in Minecraft
(image via Mojang Studio)

Copper blocks are one of the most important materials in Minecraft. You can use it to make walls, floors, and roofs, or can be used for decorative purposes. Players can craft copper blocks by combining 9 copper ingots. You just have to fill all slots on the 3×3 grid in the crafting table and you will see a copper block on the right-hand side. Just move this block to your inventor and you are good to go. You can cut copper blocks to make cut copper blocks too. You need a stonecutting table to cut the copper block to make cut copper blocks. Players can use cut copper blocks to make stairs and slabs. These blocks have score lines cut across them.

3. Lightning rod

Top 5 uses of copper in Minecraft
(image via Mojang Studios)

Crafting lightning rods is another good way to utilize copper in Minecraft. It is a unique type of block that can be used to attract and divert lightning strikes. A lightning rod can divert any lightning strikes within a radius of 64 blocks in Bedrock edition and 128 blocks in Java Edition. It’s a fantastic strategy to prevent forest or brush fires. But make sure you don’t place the lightning rod on a flammable block like wood or grass. If you place a lightning rod on such blocks, it starts a fire within a small area. Moreover, When struck by lightning, a lightning rod and the block it is attached to both produce a redstone signal for 8-game ticks.

To craft a lightning rod, open the crafting table and place 3 copper ingots in the middle column of the 3×3 grid. You will see a lightning rod block on the right side of the crafting table.

4. Spyglass

Top 5 uses of copper in Minecraft
(image via Mojang Studios)

Spyglass is sort of a telescope that can be used for objects which are very far. It changes the field of view in Minecraft. By default, the FOV in Java Edition and Bedrock Edition is set to 70° and 60°, respectively, giving the spyglass a field of view of 7° in Java Version and 6° in Bedrock Edition. You need two copper ingots and one amethyst shard to craft a spyglass. You need to place all three items in the middle column of the 3×3 grid in the crafting table. Make sure you place the amethyst shard first followed by 2 copper ingots. After successfully crafting the spyglass, you just need to place it in your hot bar and take it out whenever you want to use it. It is a very helpful tool in PvP game modes.

One thing you should keep in mind is that mobs that are too far away to render do not render in the spyglass either. What the player already sees is amplified in the spyglass view. Also, foggy far-off things remain to be hazy when watching with Spyglass. It just amplifies what players already see.

5. Oxidizing copper

Top 5 uses of copper in Minecraft
(image via Mojang Studios)

Oxidization of metals is a common natural phenomenon that also works in the world of Minecraft. When items formed by copper such as stairs, blocks, or walls are exposed to elements for a long period they oxidize. They slowly turn into a blueish-green block from generic reddish-brown color. There is no set time for when Copper oxidizes however, it isn’t a very fast process. It takes several daylight cycles to show signs of oxidation. The oxidation process only progresses while you are standing in the same chuck as it. Moreover, in Java Edition, copper items will corrode considerably more slowly if they are four blocks or less away from another copper item. This is due to the fact that oxidation is slowed down for all blocks within 4 blocks of a taxicab when one block in a group is less oxidized than the rest.

Neither rain nor water will speed up the oxidation of copper, nor will covering copper blocks with other blocks stop it. You can prevent oxidation by using Beeswax on your copper items. Moreover, you can lock a particular bock with a specific color to enhance the beauty of your buildings by incorporating a specific aged color into the mix.

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