Apex Legends top 5 legends pick rate in Season 12

Apex Legends top 5 legends pick rate in Season 12

Top 5 pick legends in season 12 of Apex Legends

In season 12 top 5 legends’ pick rate list is here this data is based on the millions of players’ pick rates. Apex legends is a battle royal game, in which you can choose ability-loaded legends and crown your victory in the game.

This list does not show which agent is best or which one is not this is the overall performance list and which character is most popular to play by the players.

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The most pick Legends in Apex Legends Season 12

The change in the game after the update still does not affect the pick rates in-game. But some legends made their way to the top 4 list. Here are the most pic Legends in Apex Legends Season 12.

5. Valkyrie

Apex Legends top 5 legends pick rate in Season 12

Valkyrie with an 8.6% pick rate stands in the list on the 5th number in season 12 of Apex Legends. With the help of this legend, you can rotate and get out of bad spots whether you are trapped in a corner.

4. Pathfinder

Apex Legends top 5 legends pick rate in Season 12

Pathfinder with a 9.1 % pick rate stands in the list on the fourth position in season 12 of Apex Legends. With this legend, your squad moves faster on the map with his grapple ability, sometimes he plays a scout role for the team and he can fastly escape from any ongoing fight.

3. Bloodhound

Apex Legends top 5 legends pick rate in Season 12

In the matter of reckoning, the area Bloodhound is the best agent in the game with his ability “Eye of the Altfather” he can easily track down the enemy squad, in this season 12 he has a 9.6% pick rate because of his recon ability. Bloodhound makes it to the list finally after defeating Seer in the pick rate.

2. Octane

Apex Legends top 5 legends pick rate in Season 12

No matter what the season is or update players always love to play with this legend in the game, he is consistently picked legend in every season. His ability and speed make him fun to play and his easy useability is one of the most reasons for his pick rate.

1. Wraith

Apex Legends top 5 legends pick rate in Season 12

Whatever the season is Wraith always be on the top of the table in terms of pick rate because of her portal ability, and invisible ability. Wraith is totally a squad-based character to play, she is easy to use legend and with an 11.9% pick rate, she topped the table.

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