Everything you need to know about Arachnophobia mode in the new Hogwarts Legacy update

No more fear of spiders while trudging the dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts!

Everything you need to know about Arachnophobia mode in the new Hogwarts Legacy update

Arachnophobia mode makes the spiders less scary (Avalanche Software)

Avalanche Software just launched an update for Hogwarts Legacy. This update brought a new mode, Arachnophobia Mode that makes the spiders less scary in the game. Players, if they choose to, can turn on and off the mode while playing. These developers seem to aim to make the game even more fun for those who are afraid of spiders, even on screen.

Furthermore, WB Games also announced that Hogwarts Legacy has sold around 15 million copies and generated $1 billion in retail sales since its release in February 2023. Hogwarts Legacy is the largest release for a WB studio game and also the best-selling game of 2023 so far.

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Even though the game came under fire due to all the controversy surrounding J.K. Rowling and her comments, it has done remarkably well.

Related: Hogwarts Legacy Biggest Update Yet: Arachnophobia Mode, Bug Fixes, Gameplay Improvements, and much more!

What is the new Arachnophia mode in Hogwarts Legacy and how to enable it?

Arachnophobia mode

Source Hogwarts Legacy

The new update of Hogwarts Legacy addresses around 500 bug fixes in the game along with a few notable additions. One of them is the Arachnophobia mode that bugged a lot of people. Now players just need to visit the Accessibility Menu in the game and toggle the Arachnophobia Mode. Fear not; you don’t have to log out of the game to enable its effect. It will automatically make changes to the game while you are playing. You will notice these changes in the game:

  • Enemy spider appearances are changed
  • Spider skitters and screeches are reduced and removed
  • Small spider ground effect spawners are removed
  • Static spider corpses in the world become invisible
  • Collision is still active to prevent players from getting stuck when toggling this setting

Related: Hogwarts Legacy: How to complete Helm of Urktot Main quest

The new mode is an easter egg of Harry Potter movies

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Arachnophobia makes us think of the Hogwarts Chamber of Secrets movie. In it, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley visit the world of Aragog (the giant spider). It was formerly Hagrid’s pet, but Tom Riddle (Voldemort) drove it away. Seeing a giant spider may have ignited the fear of spiders in lots of people’s childhoods. WB seems keen on making the game more approachable to those who are facing such problems with this new update.

Moreover, in The Prisoner of Azkaban, Professor Lupin trains the students in the dark arts on how to repel a Boggart (a shapeshifter that feeds on people’s worst fears). He advises everyone to use the spell “Riddikulus” when he opens the cupboard in which the boggart is kept. When Ron Weasley steps up, it turns into a giant spider. Then he chants the riddikulus spell, and immediately roller skates appear on its legs, making it lose its footing.

Similarly, enabling the Arachnophobia mode will transform giant spiders into spider-shaped ballons with roller skates.

So far, PS4 and Xbox One owners have felt left out, but not to worry; as of May 5, they can enjoy the game after this update. Nintendo Switch owners fear not; they too can enjoy the game starting in July this year. Moreover, WB earlier announced that they are also developing a Harry Potter Quidditch Champion game. There will also be a live-action TV series of Harry Potter on HBO in the near future.

In case you missed it: