Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 player uses Recon Drone and Sentry Turret to create a new and overpowered killstreak

A player in Modern Warfare 2 has invented a new killstreak
There are currently a whole load of thrilling killstreaks available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 for players to acquire and use. Players like u/Raptrzzz18 love to go above and beyond with their original ideas and employ uncommon techniques to keep things interesting, even though they may be used in a multitude of ways.
To the joy of the community, the player came up with what might be called a new killstreak. The Modern Warfare 2 player just published a thread on r/ModernWarfareII showcasing their most recent exploit. The player is seen in the footage controlling a drone with a Sentry Gun so that both fly.
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Players of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 can fly a Recon Drone with a Sentry Gun attached to it in a new glitch

Both the Recon Drone and the Sentry Gun are effective weapons on their own and serve as strong killstreaks. One provides crucial information, while the other can cover angles and automatically take out enemies. Raptrzzz18 was the first player to combine the two. And this turned out to be a deadly mix as well.
Additionally, the fact that most players can earn the Sentry Gun with only seven consecutive kills means that other players will be able to employ the killstreak combo. The Sentry Gun, one of the best killstreaks, combined with the Recon Drone results in a flying weapon with offensive potential.
First, you have to equip the drone and unlock the Sentry Gun by killing seven consecutive enemies. You must then position the Sentry Gun before bringing your drone down on it. Put down the Sentry Gun close right next to the shadow of the Recon Drone.
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If you follow these instructions precisely, the drone holding the sentry gun should gently glide off the ground. The Operator will then be able to make both things fly around and register quick kills once they take control of the drone. It’s important to remember that using this combination is seen as an exploit. Infinity Ward will eventually release a patch to fix it.
The fact that Modern Warfare 2’s competitive gameplay may be adversely affected by the combination is another justification for the creators’ probable decision to make it ineffective. At the moment however, players can make use of the glitch while it lasts.
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